Feature Article Strcuture


Mind Map on Feature Article Strcuture, created by zach_trueman_dan on 14/11/2013.
Mind Map by zach_trueman_dan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by zach_trueman_dan almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Feature Article Strcuture
  1. Introduction
    1. provoek interest
      1. provide any necessary information
        1. establish writing tone
          1. create a relationship between qwriter and reader.
            1. heighton the drama oof an event
              1. outline the subject
              2. Title
                1. short and snappy
                  1. simple
                    1. hightlight of the article
                    2. Headline
                      1. grabs attention
                        1. highlight main ideas
                          1. online must include key words
                            1. provoke reader
                            2. Main Body
                              1. sub headings
                                1. personel viewpoints
                                  1. specific names, places and dates
                                    1. anecdotes and stories
                                      1. quotes and reviews
                                        1. opinions from authorities and experts
                                          1. facts and statistics
                                            1. photographs, tables, diagrams and graphs
                                            2. Concluding Paragraph
                                              1. remind the reader of the article3s main idea
                                                1. suggest an appropriate course of action
                                                  1. encourageing a change of attitude and opinion
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