

A mind map of social psychology's key terms and the theories that have supported and expanded upon them
Jack Hayes
Mind Map by Jack Hayes, updated more than 1 year ago
Jack Hayes
Created by Jack Hayes almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Informational
    1. Milgram (1963) behavioural study of obedience
      1. Diffusion of responsibility
        1. Perception of legitimate authority
          1. Status of audience
            1. Authorisation
            2. Power of social situations
              1. Compliance
                1. Socialisation
                2. Minority Influence
                3. Normative
                  1. Social influence
                    1. Social facilitation (Triplett 1898)


                      • Performance gets enhanced when in a group then alone. Theres audience effect & co-actor effect  
                      1. Zajonc's High Drive Theory (1965)


                        • Presence of others boosts performance
                        1. Factors effecting
                          1. Presence of a co-actor (competition)
                        2. Baron's (1986) Distraction Conflict theory


                          • Performance dependent on no. of distractions e.g. audience, leading to tension.
                              1. Audience size/type
                              2. Bond's (1980) Self Presentation Theory


                                • Individuals want to present favourable image to an audience. If easy, can concentrate on peforming task well, if hard person is self conscious of errors reducing performance. 
                              3. Obedience to authority
                                  1. Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Study (1973)
                                        1. Dehumanisation
                                          1. Identification (conforming to social roles/expectations)
                                      1. Majority Influence
                                        1. Asch (1951) Conformity experiements
                                          1. Audience (fear of ridicule)
                                            1. Social forces (peer pressure)
                                            1. Latane & Wolf's (1981) Social Impact theory
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