Human Resources DP1/5: role of human resource management


Mind Map on Human Resources DP1/5: role of human resource management, created by perko3337346 on 27/09/2015.
Mind Map by perko3337346, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by perko3337346 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Human Resources DP1/5: role of human resource management
  1. strategic role of human resource
    1. HR management- the management of the total relationship between an employer and employee in order to achieve the strategic goals of the business.
      1. Governments try to assist businesses in becoming more competitive by creating a ore flexible legal framework
        1. HR function is important as staff costs are often more than 60%
        2. Interdependence with key business functions
          1. Large business= specialist HR team or manager
            1. Small business= the general manager and employees may share these responsibilities
              1. Specilaist HR managers responsibilities:
                1. Planning/ job design
                  1. acquisition
                    1. development
                      1. maintenance of staff
                        1. Performance management and rewards
                          1. seperation
                            1. managing diversity
                          2. Outsourcing
                            1. Human resource functions
                              1. Outsourcing helps reduing costs, obtain specialist support and improve productivity is increasing
                              2. Using contractors
                                1. Contractor- an external provider of services to a business, my be individual or a business
                                  1. Domestic contractor
                                    1. Global contractor
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