How does the Brain multitask?


how does the brain multitask.
Chatsirin Srilar
Mind Map by Chatsirin Srilar, updated more than 1 year ago
Chatsirin Srilar
Created by Chatsirin Srilar about 9 years ago

Resource summary

How does the Brain multitask?
  1. High-tech multitasking
    1. Writing
      1. Reading
        1. Listening
          1. checking
          2. Multitasking Study
            1. By Fr.scintists Etienne Koechlin and Sylvain Charron
              1. MRI
                1. Become almost automatic with practice
                2. Working memory
                  1. Swishing attention from one task to aonther
                    1. Declines with age
                      1. Ability to temporarily hold information
                      2. Brain
                        1. Not pay attention
                          1. Couldn't focus on more than two tasks
                            1. Use both side of prefrontal cortex
                              1. Swish side when multitasking
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