Recognizes the main steps to make a good
decision, having consider the various
options strategies in organizations
Mechanisms that create value
Capital budget
Finance strategies
Tools for decision
Its objective is to respond to the demands of the
competitive environment by carefully examining
critique the environment to identify opportunities
external and build internal capacities
The strategic management approach will contribute to
definitive way to assess the environment, the competition,
government regulations, developments technological as
critical variables to ensure the business survival
For which some elements
that constitute it
Organizational diagnosis
Context factors external to
the organizations: Economic,
political and legal
technological and social.
Internal factors to the organizations:
Structure organization, technology,
competitive advantages, systems of
information, human talent, products
and services.
philosophy of
Offers the possibility of adapting to
markets changing and trace their course
where they converge a series of steps
that make it possible to determine
representative elements of the internal
environment of the organization
Mission, vision,
objectives, policies
and values.
Formulation of the purposes and
purposes that point to the durability,
sustainability and growth of an
organization in three stages: Analysis,
choice- decision and action.
Performance measurement,
evaluation of the performance
and taking decisions/actions
Decision making to
short and long term
Delving into the diagnosis of liquidity,
cash management, the treasury
budget, the diagnosis of profitability
and decision of investment decisions.
financial indicators
Working gross margin, margin
operating, net margin,
profitability of assets and
return on equity.
Decision making In
the organization
Viewing elements of a problem decision,
what is to decide, the effectiveness in the
decisions, methodology to make decisions,
structuring decisions, criteria for deciding
and the decision motivation.
Allows recognition and use of
some of the main tools
management in organizations
Tool applied as competitive strategy
for microenterprises, which allows
know the errors and correct them as
well how to improve successes to
achieve sustained growth
There the competitors are
analyzed in depth to
understand strategies and
best practices using to
attract customers.
Is associated with greater
frequency to reduction of
personnel, consists of reduce
the costs of company, as well
as scale of your operation.
Reasons they can give
lead to reductions in
Financial difficulties,
Merger of departments
or companies, change
of strategy, and/or
closing locations.
Cost reduction, increase
productivity and efficiency
of the organization.
Low morale among employees,
costs related to downsizing, a
deterioration in the reputation
of business.
El Joint Venture
Association contract strategic business that
occurs between two or more companies
international or national Through the
combination of their activities, resources and
operations give rise to new joint undertaking
commissioned of the execution of an activity
The countries that have
achieved attract foreign
capital through the Joint
Venture have had to
fulfill three phases
- Continuous and periodic execution - Contributions
and community of interests - Reciprocal power to
represent and bind to the other - Onerosity of the
provision - Control company as a whole - Consensual
character - Atypical and nameless contract - Nature
fiduciary or loyalty between the parties - Character ad
hoc or specific object - Concurrence in profits and
losses in general - Commutative - Profitable purpose -
Not subject to right - Common risk - Contract of
business collaboration
- Identification of the parties - Name of the
Joint Venture - Designation of the leading
company - Duration - Conflict resolution -
Representative - Delimitation of the
contractual object - Responsibilities -
Registration of the contract - Termination
and dissolution of the contract - Rights and
obligations of the contracting parties.
Forms of financing
Credits from financial institutions, Billing
contract, Credits special sector, credits
international organizations, Credits government,
bank loans of investment, Credits granted by
entities from developed countries, Credits
granted through the stock market, Loans under
the international leasing modality and/or Credits
under process of debt capitalization.
The Balanced Scorecard
It is a management tool business that is
used to measure the situation and
evolution of a company from an overview.
Your basic goal of power diagnose a
situation carry out permanent
monitoring. It is a method to organize
information and add value.
Working in four
1. Perspective
2. Customer
3. Perspective of
internal processes
4. Perspective of
learning and increase
Use different types of Dashboards
that They correspond to needs
and characteristics particular to
each organization.
Control panel
Allows you to track diary of the state situation
of a sector or process of the company, for this
you must provide the information needed to
enter in action and make decisions operations in
areas such as finance, purchases, sales, prices
production and logistics.
Control panel
It is tracking oriented. of
results indicators internal to
the company overall and in
the short term
Control panel
Gives us the information internal and
external necessary to know the
situation and avoid taking important
surprises about strategic positioning
and company long term.
Offers information relevant for
the discharge address can know
the whole situation. Includes three
earlier perspectives.
It allows to know and develop the skills
every manager should have for a
suitable administration of organizations
It's about advancing professional achievement
and personal at the individual level with
trainings, workshops, exercises, dynamics or
games where everyone wins because of the
group cooperation each player gets lessons
and awareness of the strategy to follow and
the actions to be put in place to achieve its
Main Abilities
Hard skills
They only answer already tested
scenarios acquaintances, do not
allow face problems of uncertainty,
do not generate differentiation, nor
add value and lead us to question
values, attitudes and habits.
Soft skills or
They are the ones who do the real
difference between professional and
other, really add value to organization,
today they are labor demands since
they are much more skills subjective
and intangible.
Aspects such as leadership, fluency
in communication, work in team
and quiet management in times of
pressure considered elementary to
time to evaluate staff.
Skills Development
Management skills are observable
attributes in people who allow them
to reach effective search
performance of the achievement of
the stated objectives.
They delve into
the dimensions
Self awareness,
thinking creative and
innovative and ethics
motivation and
delegation and
work team up.
Personal characteristic that differentiates
some people from others; include motives,
traits of personality, perception and
assumption role, skills and knowledge.
Then we talk about competencies.
ranging from its lowest levels even
the most complex.
Job skills, scientists, citizens,
basic skills, generic, specific,
education superior and labor