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travelle guidé
Yusuf Ahmed Kha Y9A
Mind Map by Yusuf Ahmed Kha Y9A, updated more than 1 year ago
Yusuf Ahmed Kha Y9A
Created by Yusuf Ahmed Kha Y9A almost 3 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

MetaModa Logo
  1. Colors
    1. Grey (#808080)
      1. Purple (#9099ba)
        1. Dark Blue (#0047BB)
        2. Audience
          1. Young / stylish people
            1. Metamoda is a fashion metaverse company
              1. Diverse branding to capture as many people as possible
                1. Easy, simple slogan
              2. Visuals / Genres
                1. Dark color background
                  1. Sci-Fi
                    1. Modern
                    2. Typography
                      1. Sans Serif
                        1. Simple
                          1. Gradient (?)
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