Germany's Defeat in WWII


Mind Map on Germany's Defeat in WWII, created by Vienne Chiam on 30/09/2015.
Vienne Chiam
Mind Map by Vienne Chiam, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by d.try almost 9 years ago
Vienne Chiam
Copied by Vienne Chiam almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Germany's Defeat in WWII
  1. 1. Entry of the USA
    1. Due to Japan bombing Pearl Habour in 1941 (Japan and Germany were allies)
      1. The USA declared war on Germany in 1941 and contributed military personnel, weapons, equipment and finances to the Allies to fight Germany
        1. This allowed the Allies (Britain, France etc) to fight Germany more effectively and efficiently
          1. With the help of major power, USA, the Allies managed to defeat Germany
          2. Soldiers, guns, trucks, aircraft, military tactics etc.
        2. 2. Soviet Involvement
          1. The Soviet Union, under Stalin's leadership, was an efficient and effective military force.
            1. The military command structure was clear and effective with no overlapping authority and with competent generals leading the army
              1. Arms production in the USSR was also efficient due to the Stalin's 5 year plans and alliance with the US
                1. This allowed the USSR to fight Germany efficiently and defeat the enemy
          2. 3. Germany's Weaknesses and Miscalculations
            1. The Nazi Germany, under Hitler's leadership, was inefficient and ineffective
              1. The military command structure was messy with overlapping authority and Hitler making his own decisions, leading to rash and non-practical fighting
                1. The Germans also mass produced a myriad of weapons without prior testing, leading to the waste of resources and manpower
                  1. Factory workers stopped working as a result of not getting payment, leading to Germany being unable to sustain the war, and ultimately defeat
                2. War on Two Fronts -while still at war with britain in the western front, hitler chose to invade soviet union, opening up the eastern front. THen while he seemed to be gainging the upper hand against the soviets, he declared war on the usa. He thought the usa would be occupied with fighting japan but roosevelt had actually concentrated his troops on North Africa and Europe. He was now fighting a war on two fronts against formidable opponents at the same time.
              2. 4. Resistance Movement's Involvement
                1. French forces joined the resistance movement and gained intel from Germany
                  1. Joined with the Soviets, the resistance army fought hard against Germany, contributing to Germany's defeat
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