Moral acts


moral acts
Evan VanEnkevort
Mind Map by Evan VanEnkevort, updated more than 1 year ago
Evan VanEnkevort
Created by Evan VanEnkevort over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Moral acts
  1. nature of the moral act
    1. involves both deliberation and choice it is your choice weither or not you sin
      1. moral contact
        1. choice between good and evil or sin and god
    2. moral actiuon and freedom
      1. good moral actions make us free
        1. we make better choices when we are free
      2. true freedom
        1. not doing what touy want necessarily but doing what god wants you to do
        2. human beings are moral teachers and problem solvers
          1. every person faces moral decisions
            1. we need to act how god would want us to
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