The Moral Act


Mind Map by 17dhaen, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 17dhaen about 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Moral Act
  1. True Freedom is doing why you ought to be doing
    1. Good moral actions make us freer
      1. Bad moral actions make us a salve to sin
        1. Every human being faces morally responsible for his or her own moral acts
          1. A moral act involves both deliberation and choices as a moral content , and affects the character of the person who acts
            1. Love
              1. IF love is talen or required it is no longer free
                1. Freedom and Conscience
                  1. Man is a free moral being, responsible for his own acts
                    1. Human freedom is limited by the unique circumstances of each person is life
                      1. True love is a free gift of oneself that leads to self mastery
                        1. Conscience is the practical application of the objective more law to concrete circumstances
                      2. Conscience can be wrong or deformed we have a duty to form our conscience
                        1. Freedom and Responsibility
                          1. The more knowledge one posses, the moral morality responsible one is for his/ her own actions
                            1. There is no such thing as freedom that is independent of responsibility
                              1. The origin of moral evils the free decision of a man to reject God's moral Law
                  2. the self giving that is love is often hard it may require overcoming laziness selfsishness sensuality, and sigtness
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