Classification, Variation and Inheritance_1


Mind Map on Classification, Variation and Inheritance_1, created by Ammarah on 15/11/2013.
Mind Map by Ammarah , updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by Ammarah almost 11 years ago
Copied by Ammarah almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Classification, Variation and Inheritance_1
  1. Classification
    1. grouping things by their characteristics or features
      1. Kingdom
        1. Animals -multicellular -no cell wall -no chlorophyll -hetrotrophic
          1. Plants -multicellular -cell walls -chlorophyll - autotrophic
            1. Fungi -multicellular -cell walls -no chlorophyll -digest food outside the body (saprophytically)
              1. Protoctista -unicellular -nucleus
                1. Prokaryotae - unicellular -no nucleus
                2. Phylum
                  1. class
                    1. Order
                      1. Family
                        1. Genus
                          1. species
                        2. Vertebrates and Invertebrates
                          1. vertebrates-animals with backbones
                            1. fish-exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide through gills, lay eggs fertilised externally
                              1. amphibians-exchange gases through their moist skin, lay external fertilised eggs
                                1. reptiles and birds- exchange gases through lungs, lay internally fertilised eggs
                                  1. mammals-give birth to live young, eggs are fertilised internally
                                2. Species
                                  1. organisms that can breed together to produce fertile offspring can be asexual or sexual reproduction
                                    1. some species can breed with other species to produce hybrids which are sometimes sterile or infertile
                                    2. Binomial Classification
                                      1. every species has a unique binomial name
                                        1. useful as everyone knows exactly what species you mean without confusion
                                          1. genus name tells you what other species it is closely related to
                                            1. allows scientist to communicate about the thousands of species easier
                                              1. recognise areas of low biodiversity which need protection
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