One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate


story elements
Paige Laingen
Mind Map by Paige Laingen, updated more than 1 year ago
Paige Laingen
Created by Paige Laingen about 9 years ago

Resource summary

One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate
  1. Theme
    1. Message/Theme: That animals should be treated fairly and live in a safe place.
      1. How brought out in the book: People were protesting outside of the mall.
      2. Main Conflict
        1. Conflict & Problem: People did not like that the animals lived in the mall with a mean man who did not treat them kindly.
          1. Cause: The animals were not being treated correctly.
        2. Time: Early 2000.
          1. Place/ Location: Mall
            1. Setting:
            2. Characters
              1. Ruby
                1. Stella
                  1. Ivan
                    1. Mac
                      1. Mean & Rude Mac is mean and rude to the animals because whenever the animals don't do something correctly they get hit with a stick and that is mean.
                      2. Kind and a good friend, Ivan is very kind and a good friend because whenever Mac is mean to the animals or they are sad he gives them a pep talk to make them feel better.
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