GCSE revision (Sustainability)


Sustainability requirements for AQA GCSE Product Design and Resistant Materials
Chiara Maria Paparella
Mind Map by Chiara Maria Paparella, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by 10getleys over 10 years ago
T Andrews
Copied by T Andrews over 8 years ago
Chiara Maria Paparella
Copied by Chiara Maria Paparella over 2 years ago

Resource summary

GCSE revision (Sustainability)
  1. Sustainability
    1. Sustainability refers to how biological systems endure and remain diverse and productive.
      1. Managed plantations
        1. Control deforestation
          1. Forestry Stewardships Council
      2. Enviromental issues
        1. Environmental issues are harmful aspects of human activity on the biophysical environment.
          1. Life cycle assessment
            1. Life
              1. disposal after life
                1. Use of energy
              2. Stages
                1. From raw materials to disposal
                2. Impact
                  1. Landfills
                    1. Polution
                      1. Land
                        1. Water
                    2. Built in obsolecance
                3. Renewable and non-renewable
                  1. Renewable
                    1. A source of energy that is not depleted by use, such as water, wind, or solar power.
                      1. Solar panels
                        1. Hydro-electric
                          1. Wind turbines
                            1. Geothermal
                              1. Wave and tidal
                            2. Non-renewable
                              1. A non-renewable resource is a resource that does not renew itself at a sufficient rate for sustainable economic extraction in meaningful human timeframes.
                                1. Oil
                                  1. Gas
                                    1. Coal
                                      1. Fossil fuels
                                        1. Finite resourses
                                        2. Minerals
                                          1. Metals
                                          2. Ores
                                            1. Nuclear fuels
                                              1. In some cases ground water
                                          3. 6R's
                                            1. Reduce
                                              1. Is it possible to reduce the amount of materials used?
                                              2. Rethink
                                                1. Is there a better way to solve this problem that is less damaging to the environment?
                                                2. Refuse
                                                  1. Is the packaging really needed?


                                                    • Do you need to upgrade your phone even if working properly?
                                                  2. Recycle
                                                    1. Is the product made from materials that are easy to recycle?
                                                      1. Material seperation
                                                      2. Could recycled materials be used?
                                                      3. Reuse
                                                        1. Could item be passed on, thereby extending it's useful life?
                                                          1. Given to charity
                                                        2. Repair
                                                          1. Could product be repaired/fixed if faulty?
                                                        3. Social
                                                          1. Products can have Human and Environmental costs
                                                            1. Off-setting
                                                              1. Bio degradable
                                                                1. Carbon footprint
                                                                  1. Human
                                                                    1. Religious groups
                                                                      1. Cultural groups
                                                                        1. Social groups
                                                                          1. Working conditions
                                                                            1. Unsafe buildings
                                                                              1. Avoid child labour
                                                                                1. old/unsafe machinery
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