Property Authorised Investment Funds


CIMA Financial Planning Mind Map on Property Authorised Investment Funds, created by Katerina Kritikos on 06/05/2022.
Katerina Kritikos
Mind Map by Katerina Kritikos, updated more than 1 year ago
Katerina Kritikos
Created by Katerina Kritikos almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Property Authorised Investment Funds
  1. OEIC structure
    1. Property income ringfenced but other taxable income subject to corporation tax at 20%.
      1. Point of taxation moves from fund to investor.
        1. Distributions paid in three types: property, interest and dividends. Property income is paid net of 20% tax (unless in ISA/pension) which non taxpayers can reclaim. Dividends and interest paid gross.
          1. At least 60% of PAIFs net income must be from exempt property investment business. Value in property investment must be at least 60% of total assets.
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