Arbitrage Pricing Theory (S. Ross)


CIMA Financial Planning Mind Map on Arbitrage Pricing Theory (S. Ross), created by Katerina Kritikos on 14/05/2022.
Katerina Kritikos
Mind Map by Katerina Kritikos, updated more than 1 year ago
Katerina Kritikos
Created by Katerina Kritikos over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Arbitrage Pricing Theory (S. Ross)
  1. Suggested a general multi-factor model structure (after Fama and French).
    1. Based on idea that there are a few major macro-economic factors that influence security returns.
      1. The model derived return can then be used to correctly price the security and if price diverges, arbitrage activity will bring it back into line so that it is not possible to achieve better returns than indicated by the model.
        1. Research suggests there are four important factors that influence security returns
          1. Unanticipated inflation
            1. Changes in expected levels of industrial production.
              1. Changes in default risk premium on bonds
                1. Unanticipated changes in return of long term gilts over Treasury bills (shifts in yield curve)
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