Also know as naive realism or common
sense realism
The idea that we perceive
object directly as they are
What we see is What we
Objects are mind-Independent.
Properties are belonging to the objects
and they exist in the external world
Only two things involved in perception:
-The perceiver -the object
Its the View that
most people hold in
the everyday ordinary
Explains the
consistency and
regularity in our
Eg: The fact that when
we leave the room and
the back in, the furniture
is in the same plave
Images of the mind someone believes to
be real when they're non-
(Eg). Seeing a flying pink
elephant in a room after
drinking heavily
For a naive realist, the pink elephant would
have to exist physically, which is absurd
DEFENCE FROM DR J.L Austin- Hallucinations are a rare
occurrence and thus we shouldn't use it to disprove naive
realism. Also we can tell apart things that aren't real
to something that is real (Eg). we can tell apart forged money
from real money.