Carried out a study with dogs after
noticing they would drool to their feeder
without food
Had the researcher (ns) give the dogs food (ucs) which produced
drooling (ucr) leading to the researcher becoming a conditioned
stimulus associated with pleasure a conditioned response
classical conditioning, learning by
operant conditioning, learning by
reward and punishment
pigeons and rats in skinners box
positive reinforcement
given food pellets when they pressed a
leaver causing them to repeat this action
negative reinforcement
given electric shock on grid beneath them when
pressing a certain lever, they leant to avoid this
claims that all behaviour is learnt through experience
most studies done on animals which lacks external validity as it
cannot be generalised to humans easily due to different norms
and environment
research support from Watson and
Rayners Little Albert, taught to associate
white rat with loud bang so was scared of
the rat, phobia also generalised, increases external validity
practical application to phobias how they are
learnt and how to overcome them, treatments like
flooding and desensitisation, token economies
used in institutions and prisons work well
lab studies used so lack of extraneous
variables so high reliability and replication but
lacks ecological validity