The Hatchet


My map for Nate Holke
Nathaniel Clark-
Mind Map by Nathaniel Clark-, updated more than 1 year ago
Nathaniel Clark-
Created by Nathaniel Clark- about 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Hatchet
  1. Gary Paulsen
    1. Nate Holke 1st hour
    2. Time
      1. Present
        1. Setting
          1. New York
            1. Characters
              1. Brian
                1. Brave
                  1. Does not qiut
                2. Pilot
                  1. Nice
                    1. Caring
          2. Candain wilderness
          3. Message
            1. Survial
              1. The hachet was the thing he used the most.
                1. Conflict
                  1. Plane crashed he was very hurt he had to surive.
                    1. Pilot had a heart attack
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