

Key thing to know about structuralist
Mind Map by courtneyfry, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by courtneyfry about 9 years ago
Copied by courtneyfry about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. what do they research?
    1. social institutions
      1. Family
        1. Religion
          1. Education
            1. Work
              1. Mass media
            2. What do they study?
              1. That society shapes the individual
                1. ways in which society influences the behaviour of indiciduals
                  1. Socialisation process
                    1. Society as a whole
                    2. Methods
                      1. Quantitative
                        1. Numbers
                          1. Statistics
                            1. Reliability
                              1. Objective
                                1. Generalisable
                                  1. Representative
                                  2. Perspectives
                                    1. Consensus
                                      1. Functionalist
                                      2. Conflict
                                        1. Marxist
                                        2. New right
                                          1. Feminists
                                            1. Positivists
                                            2. Positivism
                                              1. Social facts
                                                1. Sociology should be science
                                                  1. data collected objectively
                                                    1. variables can be controlled
                                                      1. research should not be influenced by the researcher
                                                        1. Large scale
                                                        2. Criticisms
                                                          1. Too deterministic
                                                            1. no technique can be completely unbiased
                                                            2. Social Facts
                                                              1. Suicide
                                                                1. Language
                                                                  1. Gender
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                                                                  Theories of Family
                                                                  Summer Pearce
                                                                  Groups, Formal Organizations and Bureacracy
                                                                  Kome Ekor
                                                                  Ch. 11 Developmental Theories
                                                                  Brittany Gunn
                                                                  Sociology: Crime and Deviance Flash cards
                                                                  Beth Morley
                                                                  Functionalist Theory of Crime
                                                                  A M
                                                                  Sociology - Crime and Deviance - Feminists
                                                                  The Functionalist perspective on education
                                                                  Phoebe Fletcher
                                                                  Sociology for the MCAT
                                                                  Sarah Egan
                                                                  Realist Theories
                                                                  A M
                                                                  Research Methods
                                                                  cheyenne warwick