"Knowledge within a discipline developes according to the principles of natural selection"_1


TOK mindmap about title number 2
Mind Map by bernardo.101614, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by bernardo.101614 almost 9 years ago
Copied by bernardo.101614 almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

"Knowledge within a discipline developes according to the principles of natural selection"_1
  1. Thesis
    1. The process of natural selection follows the principle which indicates that the fittest will survive, furthermore it is a scientific principle of evolution, which means change, when we apply such principle to knowledge I am able to understand how knowledge might be aprove or discard by the enviornment were is been exposed. Natural selection is a principle we can use to understand the way knowledge is approve in a society. By fittest we must specify that is the answer to the pressure of the environment therefore it is a selection not an immediate change.
      1. We are capable of relating my thesis with certain examples; in this particular case I would like to expose an example I had during my CAS activities, while I was in Amazonas building the gutters, while I was building the gutter one of the kids ,member of the indina community of "valencia", told us that the gutters needed to be inclined to aproximately 10 deegres, we tought he was lying because he was small and indian, we thought he did not knew what he was saying. After this one of the chiefs told us the same, in this example i was able to understan how the enviroment was pressuring the knowledge the kid was sharring, thus we decided to discard it. This is an example were we are ablo to understan the scientific principle of natural selection and apply it to knowledge.
        1. Rosalind Franklin was a women who in the 50´s helped to discovered the DNA structure, her knowledge was shared and very phew people use it as a source of information for further investigation, in 1953 Watson and Crick, two great scientists proposed a model based on the infromation she obtained in her investigation and the information they had recolected. The model was accepted and both scientists shared the nobel price. However, there was no creditfor the colaboration of R. Franklin since she was a women and it ewas not a relaibale source in such times.
          1. During the coldwar, USA and Cuba calloff relationships while the tension was rising up, Cuba was completly isolated from the world since USA was a world power country. Cuba, however, was in need to produce their own pharmaceutical products, this cause that the investigation in the country incredbly developed, to the point they managed to produce new products which were not yet sold in other countries. Cuba´s investigation and research was completely isolated from the shared knowledge of the world. Cuba in this particular case had a knowledge which follow the principle of natural selection, since, in this environment it was coinsidered the ideals and the knowledge obatain in such countries ideas which promoted a different and contrary to what USA coinsiders to be right, therefore the knowledge obtain in those times was waste, only know when the environment is appropiate the knowledge once obtain can be now shared
            1. Examples
          2. Counter-arguments
            1. While we use a scientific concept to understand and evaluate the processes of knowledge it is complex to evaluate the way individual knowledge is obtain. We must, therefore, problematize the idea of using a scientific concept to evalute knowledge. We may state that the process of natural selection may not always work, knowledge is not always lost it just kept and saved for a moment in which it may be appropiate to use it. We may use in this case the examplae which I have used as an example for my thesis, Cuba.
              1. We may satate that knowledge is not a product of evolution; change, but knowledge is the product of comprobation
              2. Areas
                1. History
                  1. Why?
                    1. When we try to find an equilibrium of the study of the past and the study of knowledge we are able to find a serie of knowlege which has been or greetly missunderstood or incredibly elevated and sometimes missunderstood. Since it is more comfortable to interpret knowlege as true, without questioning it, it will provide to a certain knowledge some type of missconception. This will be relateed to the process of natural selection which indicates that when there is no competition the species may reproduce and therefore survive, the same happens to knowledge, when it is not evaluated it misght be missunderstood or even wrongful, but still it will continue to be accepted by society as a fact.
                      1. Example
                        1. Spontaneous generation
                  2. Ethics
                    1. Why?
                      1. While ethics is the study of morality it is important to evaluate this title in this area, since it will be unethical to ignore someones knowledge. We are able to understantd this previous ideal with the example I have provided in my thesis, How ethical will it be to discard someones knowledge just because it might give less credibility because it has a greater pressure form the environment?
                        1. Example
                          1. CAS Experience
                    2. The human sciences
                      1. Why?
                        1. It is possible to evaluate this title with this particular area of knowledge, it is therefore crucial to understand the human science of antropology, How does the actor of knowledge responds to a knowledge provided by someone the medium coinsider with a deep contempt
                          1. Example
                            1. Somethings cannot be understand by the human mind such things can be religion, this example is more vissible in such times as the colonial times in Colombia, where the colonials were sceptical about the way religion was been imposed but after this it was totally accepted
                    3. TOK Question
                      1. To what extent can we measure the pressure of the environment to the knowledge that is been shared also being evaluated and only after this be sheared and accpeted by the society?
                        1. + Q
                          1. To what extent can we use scientific concepts to evaluate something as abstract as knowledge, while science is focused in numbers and clear data?
                            1. Until which point can knowledge be evaluated as a process?
                        2. Interest
                          1. I am particulary interest in this title because I enjoy the combination of the questioning of knowledge and scince involve. I believe there are somethings science cannot explain and knowledge is one of them...
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