Understanding the sentence


Ingles Mind Map on Understanding the sentence, created by Esneyder Esp on 12/06/2022.
Esneyder Esp
Mind Map by Esneyder Esp, updated more than 1 year ago
Esneyder Esp
Created by Esneyder Esp over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Understanding the sentence
  1. What is a Sentence?
    1. Group of words that state a complete thought
      1. A sentence can consist of a single word
      2. Other parts of speech
        1. Prepositions
          1. Express relationship between ideas
          2. Adjectives
            1. Information about nouns
            2. Conjunctions
              1. Link related parts of a sentence
              2. Adverbs
                1. Information about verbs
                2. Interjections
                  1. Express emotion or feeling
                3. Clauses
                  1. Independent clauses
                    1. Express a complete thought
                    2. Dependent clauses
                      1. Do not express a complete thought
                      2. Related words that contain a subject and a verb
                      3. Subject
                        1. Hidden subject
                          1. Inverted subject
                            1. Subject follows the verb
                            2. Possessive
                              1. Subject is the object of a possessive
                            3. Actor or main topic
                              1. Nouns
                                1. People
                                  1. Places
                                    1. Things
                                      1. Ideas
                                      2. Pronouns
                                        1. Replace a noun
                                        2. Gerund verbs
                                      3. Verbs
                                        1. Action verbs
                                          1. Show what the subject is doing
                                          2. Linking verbs
                                            1. Conect the subject to related ideas
                                            2. Helping verbs
                                              1. Assist the main verb
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