Research Methods


Study notes for Ch.2
Aiyana Reeves
Mind Map by Aiyana Reeves, updated more than 1 year ago
Aiyana Reeves
Created by Aiyana Reeves almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Research Methods
  1. Theories
    1. tentative explanations of facts and relationships
    2. Hypothesis
      1. A prediction based on theory
      2. Basis of Scientific Method
        1. Follow strict rules of evidence
          1. Critical thinking of Evidence
            1. Making observations in a systematic way
            2. 5 Steps in Scientific Investigation
              1. 1) Formulate a testable hypothesis
                1. 2) Select the research method and design
                  1. 3) Collect the data
                    1. 4) Analyze the data & draw the conclusions
                      1. 5) Report findings
                      2. Experimental Method
                        1. Independent Variable (Manipulated)
                          1. A factor that's intentionally varied by the experimenter
                          2. Dependent Variable (Responding)
                            1. A factor that may change as a result of changes made in the independent variable
                            2. Experimental Group
                              1. consists of subjects who receive some special treatment in regard to the independent variable
                              2. Control Group
                                1. Serves as standard of comparison - no independent variable
                                2. Extraneous Variable
                                  1. Other than the independent variable that seems likely to influence the dependent variable in a specific study
                                  2. Advantages
                                    1. Experiments done under very controlled conditions, therefore it allows results about cause and effect relationships
                                    2. Disadvantages
                                      1. Artificial, it makes one wonder if the conclusions do apply to everyday behaviour outside the lab
                                    3. Three descriptive Methods
                                      1. Naturalistic Observation
                                        1. Observation of behaviour without intervening directly with the subjects
                                          1. Advantage
                                            1. Less Artificial
                                            2. Disadvantage
                                              1. To not be unobtrusive
                                          2. Case Studies
                                            1. In-depth investigation of an individual subject(s) with various data collection
                                            2. Surveys
                                              1. Questionnaires / Interviews used to gather information about specific aspects of subjects behaviour
                                              2. Advantage
                                                1. Explore questions that could not be examined with experimental procedures / Broadens area of study
                                                2. Disadvantage
                                                  1. Cannot demonstrate conclusively that two variables are casually related ( no cause / effect)
                                                3. Central Tendency
                                                  1. Median
                                                    1. arranging all numbers numericall order to find the central figure
                                                    2. Mean (Average)
                                                      1. Add up the value of each measurement and divide by the number of observations
                                                      2. Mode
                                                        1. Number that occurs most frequently in the data
                                                      3. Variability
                                                        1. Standard Deviation
                                                          1. The more different the numbers are from each other the larger the standard deviation
                                                        2. Correlation
                                                          1. Discovering a strong association between two variables both of which are measured
                                                            1. Positive Correlation
                                                              1. High values on one measure are related to high values on another measure (low to low)
                                                                1. Ex. More hours studying ; Higher grades
                                                              2. Negative Correlation
                                                                1. High values on one measure are related to low values on another measure
                                                                  1. Ex. Large consumption of alcohol ; Lower grades
                                                              3. Normal Distribution
                                                                1. A function that represents the distribution of multiple variables as a symmetrical bell-shaped graph
                                                                2. Causation
                                                                  1. provides a means connecting conduct with a concluding effect
                                                                  2. Sample Representative
                                                                    1. Group of subjects selected for a study from a large population
                                                                      1. Sample Bias
                                                                        1. When sample does not have same components as the population
                                                                      2. Placebo Effects
                                                                        1. Refers to change that occurs because people expect change
                                                                          1. Problem : If one expects a negative effect
                                                                        2. Distortion in Self-Report Data
                                                                          1. Self-Report Data
                                                                            1. Information given by the subject about the subject
                                                                            2. Social Desirability Bias
                                                                              1. tendency to give socially approved answers when questioned about oneself
                                                                              2. Implicit Measures
                                                                                1. can provide self-report data that bypasses one's consciousness
                                                                              3. Rosenthal's Research on Experimental Bias
                                                                                1. " Quite unconsciously, a psychologist interacts in subtle ways with the people he is studying so that he may get the response he expects to get"
                                                                                2. Principles of Ethical Research
                                                                                  1. Respect for the dignity of Persons
                                                                                    1. Protect rights and privacy, no discrimination, protect the vulnerable
                                                                                    2. Responsible Caring
                                                                                      1. activities should benefit not harm others
                                                                                      2. Integrity in Relationships
                                                                                        1. includes clients, students, research participants
                                                                                        2. Responsibility to Society
                                                                                          1. To increase knowledge and benefit people
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