Range of ICT app_v4


ICT applications in every aspect
Mind Map by koowei12, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by wilthefredo about 9 years ago
Copied by kifli509 about 9 years ago
Copied by chong.lee.soong about 9 years ago
Jian De
Copied by Jian De about 9 years ago
Copied by koowei12 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Range of ICT app_v4
  1. ICT in Entertainment
    1. Music Industry
      1. Sound effect
        1. sound format - Since there are many ways to produce music, there are also many methods to store music
          1. Compressed audio format
            1. Example: MP3 is a compressed file format. When an original audio file is produced, the file size is very big because it contains all the details of the music. By setting the bit rate, the creator can specify how many kilobits the music will be used to convert into mp3
            2. Uncompressed audio format
          2. Filming Industry
            1. Technology
              1. Chroma key(Greenscreen) - A special effect technique where 2 videos are superimposed on each other to produce special scenes
                1. Avar - to control the part of an animated character (e.g. control changes in a facial expression)
                  1. 3D rendering - to produce more realism - generating a 3D image from a given 2D model by the use of software
                    1. Key frames - drawings that define the starting point and end point for smooth transition in animation
                      1. generating intermediate frames between two images to give the appearance of movement
                  2. ICT in Education
                    1. Computer Aided Learning(CAL)- Computer based learning or computer aided learning refers to using computer in delivering content or assessment
                      1. Advantages
                        1. Students can learn at their own pace
                          1. Students can save travelling time
                            1. Students can get instant feedback on quiz
                            2. Disadvantages
                              1. Teachers cannot give personal attention to students
                          2. ICT in Daily life
                            1. Online Banking
                              1. To withdraw or check money e.g. ATM machine
                                1. Online banking services such as paying bills online and money transfer
                              2. E-Commerce
                                1. Buying and selling something online e.g. online payment
                                  1. Advertising e.g Billboards and magazines
                                2. ICT in Hospital
                                  1. ICT in Industrial and Scientific Use
                                    1. Weather forecasting
                                      1. Instruments : Data-logger, Satellite , Weather baloon
                                        1. Data collected are : Humidity , Wind speed , rainfall , temperature
                                          1. Super computer is used to perform calculation and generate complex model for weather prediction
                                            1. How is weather collected ? ; Weather data is collected from sensor at weather station , weather balloons and satellite. The data is sent to centre for analysis
                                              1. How does the computer make weather prediction based on new weather data? : When new weather data is received , the weather data is compared with the existing known weather data. The computer makes the prediction through calculation
                                                1. How does the weather data is shown to user? : Weather image is superimposed on map . The weather image can represent the cloud movement , temperature , rainfall.
                                                  1. ADVANTAGE : Can see storm and hurricane movement , Can see more complete picture of the weather
                                      2. Computer-aided Design (CAD)
                                        1. Widely used in building design, car design, interior design because the drawing can be viewed in 3D and able to link to CAM ( computer-aided manufacture)
                                          1. HARDWARE: High resolution monitor to view the design , Plotter to print a full-size drawings , Light pen to draw on the screen
                                            1. FEATURES IN CAD : Can view the drawing in 3D , Can enlarge or reduce the drawing easily , Can add colour to the drawing , Can perform some calculation on the drawing
                                              1. Advantages : The drawing can be done in 3D views , Users can modify the design easily , Users can enlarge and reduce the design
                                                1. Disadvantages : Need a computer with high processing power , Need a large and high resolution monitor to view the design
                                      3. ICT in Communication
                                        1. ICT in Robotic / Game
                                          1. ICT in game
                                            1. virtual reality
                                              1. A simulated 3D environment
                                                1. requires data goggles,data gloves
                                                  1. Can be used in games, viewing of houses, simulator or medical treatment
                                              2. Simulation
                                                1. It resembles a real life system through the use of models
                                                  1. Mainly to predict a system's behavior under certain conditions
                                                    1. For example, BOTs in game, OPEN source physics and ASCEND
                                              3. ICT in robotic
                                                1. Domestic use
                                                  1. The microwave scans the barcode of the food
                                                    1. After scanning, the microwave will set the right timing and temperature to cook it
                                                      1. However, it is not able to detect if the food is cooked perfectly
                                                  2. CCTV
                                                    1. Detects intruders by comparing image of surrounding with one stored in the system
                                                      1. If there is movement, the image will be different and there will be alarm
                                                    2. Industrial robot
                                                      1. A robot is a device that has a control system performs certain task based on feedback given
                                                        1. Advantage
                                                          1. It can work 24/7 and all year round
                                                            1. It can work in a dangerous environment
                                                              1. It produces less error
                                                              2. Disadvantages
                                                                1. It is expensive to develop
                                                                  1. If the robot malfunctions, the whole system is down
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