Learning styles by Anaelena C. Ramirez 7/24/22


Discovering your learning style is something many people can benefit from. This mind map will tell of different learning styles are and there characteristics.
Anaelena Ramirez
Mind Map by Anaelena Ramirez, updated more than 1 year ago
Anaelena Ramirez
Created by Anaelena Ramirez almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Learning styles by Anaelena C. Ramirez 7/24/22
  1. Visual
    1. Visual learners prefer to see things drawn out to understand concepts
      1. If you like to draw it's a sign you could be a visual learner (Fleming, 2021)
        1. They can use images and symbols and connect them to concepts that they are learning (Fleming, 2021)
    2. Auditory
      1. This type of learning is also known as aural or auditory musical
        1. They prefer to hear information in order to understand concepts fully
          1. People who are this type of learning style are able to notice different pitches and tones (Fleming, 2021)
      2. Verbal
        1. Verbal learners love words and to write
          1. They enjoy reading and writing
            1. The way some learn is through role play (Fleming, 2021)
        2. Physical
          1. Physical or kinesthetic learners are very hand on (Fleming, 2021)
            1. They like to perform tasks
              1. Would prefer hands on occupations
          2. Logical
            1. Logical learners have mathmatical brain (Fleming, 2021)
              1. Are able to recongnize patterns pretty well
                1. They also perfer to group concepts in catigories
            2. Social
              1. These types of learners are known as interpersonal learners (Fleming, 2021)
                1. They can communicate well verbally and nonverbally
                  1. They also have a sensitivity and empathetic nature
              2. Solitary
                1. Solitary learners like there solitude (Fleming, 2021)
                  1. They spend a lot of time on their own
                    1. They work best with the least amount of distractions
                2. References
                  1. Nair (2021). What are the 7 different learning styles? an overview. What Are The 7 Different Learning Styles? An Overview (uopeople.edu)
                    1. Sorin (2018). What is mental mapping? What is Mental Mapping? – Mentalmap
                      1. (2017). Enhance student study activities with Mind Mapping. Enhance Student Study Activities with Mind Mapping | Quality Matters
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