Cloud computing and ubiquitous computing systems


Cloud computing and ubiquitous computing systems
Mind Map by RyanG, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by RyanG almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Cloud computing and ubiquitous computing systems
  1. Cloud computing and cloud storage
    1. cloud computing means using computer services on another organisation’s computers, which are known as hosts. The services are provided by organisations known as hosting companies. Some well-known hosting companies for cloud computing include Amazon®, Microsoft ® , Google™ and RackSpace. Cloud users can access software, data and storage on the host computers, which will be at a remote location. Users do this through a web browser or mobile app, without ever directly accessing the servers that the information is stored on.
      1. Cloud Storage is related to cloud computing- it is where only the storage, access and retrieval facilities are provided by the host provider, often via the internet.
      2. Ubiquitous computing systems
        1. Ubiquitous means ‘existing everywhere’. Processors can be embedded in any device, including clothing, appliances, vehicles, buildings and people, to connect them to the internet so that the data generated by the processors will be readily available.
          1. Radio frequency identification (RFID)
            1. Currently, objects within a ubiquitous computing environment usually contain radio frequency identification (RFID) chips. RFID is a technology that uses radio waves to transfer data to a tag on a person or an object so that the person/object can be identified and tracked. These tags contain information that is stored electronically and which can be transmitted. It is similar to the bar code systems used in supermarkets, but unlike a bar code, RFID does not need to be scanned. An example of a use of RFID is the cat flaps that only open for the animal that has the correct chip in its collar.
            2. Applications of ubiquitous computing
              1. Currently, there are computing systems in place which monitor the shelf and warehouse stock. This technology is used by many industries (supermarkets, book and DVD suppliers, car part manufacturers, etc). When the stock reaches a certain minimum level, an order is automatically placed with the appropriate supplier electronically. Mainly this is done by a process where the tills feed product sales to a central computer, which then calculates the present stock. Currently manual checks still have to be made to allow for ‘shrinkage’ (i.e. loss due to theft or damage). However, there are now experimental systems involving products which contain RFID. The RFIDs register when any product leaves the premises. Some futuristic examples of ubiquitous computing include: • a car that can inform the owner when it needs servicing, book itself into the garage and place orders for any parts needed • a refrigerator that can monitor its contents, compile an order as food is used and add the items to the
            3. Key terms
              1. Cloud computing – This is when a computer uses services provided by another organisation’s computer systems.
                1. Servers – A computer hardware system which acts as a host for other computers on the same network.
                  1. Cloud storage – This is when a computer’s storage, access and retrieval facilities are hosted by another computer system.
                    1. Radio frequency identification (RFID) – The use of a wireless non-contact system which uses radio waves to transfer data from a tag attached to an object or person. The technology is mainly used for the purposes of automatic identification and tracking.
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