"The Masque of the Red Death" - Rhiannon


Mind Map
Rhiannon Alvarez
Mind Map by Rhiannon Alvarez, updated more than 1 year ago
Rhiannon Alvarez
Created by Rhiannon Alvarez over 9 years ago

Resource summary

"The Masque of the Red Death" - Rhiannon
  1. Characters
    1. Death- The plaque trying to kill the villagers
      1. Prince Prospero- Person who is very afraid of death, and moved people into his castle
        1. 1000 people in the castle
        2. Setting
          1. Seven distinctly colored rooms
            1. Prince Prospero's castle
              1. Around 1665
              2. Conflict/Solution
                1. "Solution":he lock themselves up in the castle, as a way to keep the disease out. I wouldn't really say it's a solution, because it gets them anyway. It always does.
                  1. Problem: The disease is trying to kill them all and they need a way to protect themselves
                    1. Main: Plaque/Death vs Villagers
                    2. Purple: Royalty
                      1. Rooms:
                        1. Blue: Birth
                        2. Violet: Knowledge
                          1. Black: Death
                            1. White: Purity
                              1. Green: Growth/Life
                              2. Theme: No one can escape death
                                1. -9/ 55 = 46/55
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