

Mind Map on Institutions,Politics&Entrepreneurship, created by cennet-14 on 10/10/2015.
Mind Map by cennet-14, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cennet-14 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Doing Business Index
    1. Measures regulations that enhance/constrain business activities
      1. Index: Starting a business, Access to electricity, Paying Taxes etc
        1. Evaluation: How much the regulatory system changed?Ease of doing/ Business relatives to others
          1. Ranking
            1. Criticism: can promote wrong incentives
      2. Fundamentals in Emerging Markets(Rodrik)
        1. Growth fundamentals
          1. Skilled&Educated workforce
            1. Improved/Educated Institutions&Governance
              1. Change from Low to High Productivity activities
                1. Politics&Institutions - B.Emmot
                2. Slow but steady growth - less prone to crisis
                  1. Hide shortcoming: Cheap finance, capital inflows, commodity booms
                  2. (Un)Productive, Destructive Entrepreneurship - Baumol
                    1. Allocation influenced by rules of the games/Payoff structures
                      1. Reallocation by Incentives
                    2. Dynamic Games
                      1. Interest groups
                        1. Protection for Sale for Firms-Indonesia (Mobrarak)
                          1. License as trade protection
                            1. protect certain firms
                              1. protect from domestic/foreign competition
                                1. Bribery
                            2. Median Voter Theorem
                            3. Corruption
                              1. Vishny&SHleifer
                                1. WIth&Without Theft
                                  1. Structure of bureaucracy
                                    1. Role of secrecy
                                    2. Brunetti&Weder
                                      1. Press freedom as "external control"
                                      2. International Transparency
                                      3. Institions
                                        1. Rule of Law
                                          1. Formal and Informal
                                          2. State capacity
                                            1. Fiscal&Legal capacity
                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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