4. Without application in the world,
the value of knowledge is greatly
diminished. Consider the claim with
respect to two areas of knowledge.
The value of Biology has been determined by the various applications it has.
Our biological knowledge has helped us develop theories such as the one in
evolution, has been involved in the development of medicine and many other
things. Without all of this applications, our knowledge in biology would be
completly useless.
During the first year of my anticipated IB Biology
program, I gave the science no importance at all. I
had the vision that the science was completely
useless and I gave it no value at all. One day, the
teacher assigned us an enzimatic activity on the lab,
and we had to designed it so that it would relate
with human physiology. Following the instructions, I
designed a lab with yeasts and the effect of
temperature in their activity. I was performing my
laboratory and I notices how at high temperatures
the activity was greater, and at low temperatures
the activity was low. I gave this information
absolutely no importance at all, I was only eager of
finishing my experiment and leave to a subject I care
more about. The teacher saw my discontent with the
subject and said "You must be aware this is exactly
how it happens in the human body. Doctors use this
experiment to study the effect of fevers, and
hypothermia. These experimentations have helped
develop the modern science of medicine"
In that moment I realised the importance of the experiment I
was performing, I started evaluating the acquired knowledge
as valuable. In this example, the value of knowledge was
determined by its application.
Reason: Our reason is the one
thing which leads us to applying
our biological knowledge into
theories, medicine and other
things. Without this reasoning,
the applications of these
sciences would have been
discovered, and the knowledge
in the area of biology wouldn't
be appreciated as much.
Memory: Without memory, the
application of this science would be
useless. Memory has helped us
develop the methods and theories
departing from central knowledge.
To a certain extent, the value of knowledge in areas such as mathematics and sciences is
determined by it's application, therefore without an application in the world, the knowledge
aqcuired would have no value whatsoever.
Why mathematics? Mathematical knowledge has been given such importance due to the
concepts it has helped us resolve. Mathematics has an application in almost every field.
Mathematical knowledge has been given such importance because it gives us a quantitative
answer to every question we have, and numbers are easy to analyse. Mathematics would be
given no value if it had no application whatsoever, people wouldn't make the effort to learn the
mathematical theories if they had no application in the world. For instance, in most schools
mathematics are a mandatory course, and it is given such importance due to the fact that they
are going to follow us wherever we go. The applications of this field in economics, physics,
astronomy, business has given it, its importance.
Why Science? Sciences and especially biology have been given such importance due to the
applications in has had in the real world. Biology has been given such importance due to
medicine and theories it has created. Before all of this analytical development in the science,
Biology had no purpose whatsoever, therefore it was given no importance. Before the
invention of the fist vaccine, or of the theory in evolution, the biological knowledge had no
value and people didn't recognise it as important.
The value of knowledge is determined by the application it is given. Without
an application the knowledge is not as valuable. Applications can differ form
being easy or hard. For instance, mathematical applications in the real world
can range from the most easy to the most difficult. Mathematical knowledge
can be applied by using analytical and organised concepts in order to solve
non-mathematical problems. Thats why mathematics is given such value,
because it creates a wide range of numerical solutions to every problem.
Without this reconition, the value of mathematics would not be the same.
Possible Counter-arguments
1.The value of knowledge is very subjective. For one, the value of a
specific type of knowledge may be significant and for another it
may be not. To a scientist or mathematician the knowledge may be
very important, but not to a philosopher or literate.
2.Knowledge without application is not diminished because it's
enriching to our personal knowledge. Knowledge contributes to
various aspects in our life and enrichens our thoughts. If there is
not application in the world it doesn't mean it is diminished, it
serve the purpose of adding value to our lives.
Knowledge question: How can the
value of knowledge be determined?
Who determines the
value of knowledge?
Does all knowledge have an
Reasons why I'm interested on this title
1. I've always wondered if everything I'm learning
in school is going to be applied further on. I'm
constantly asking myself for the appliations on
subjects like mathematics or sciences where
complicated formulas are prescribed in order to
solve hypothetical problems
2. Does all of the knowledge aquired through out
out life have an application? I've always asked
myself I'f i'm diminishing the value of knowledge
by not appliying it. By exploring this title I can
really explore the different perspectives.
3. I'm also interested on stufying if there are any
areas which do not have an application. Our maybe if
there are areas which have an application outside our
common world, maybe our imaginary or fictional
Mathematics serves the purpose of making quantitative analysis to
enable the studying on various areas in life. Mathematics helps us
construct quantitative analysis on the mysteries of the universe. Without
the application, mathematics would just be a couple of numbers and
formulas with no purpose whatsoever.
Mathematics is also
referred as universal
language in which we
can communicate
equally and draw back
the same conclusions.
Memory: Without
memory, the application
of this maths would be
useless. Memory has
helped us develop the
methods and theories
departing from central
I have always known mathematic is one o the key concepts in life but i've never
really seen its application in the real world. In 10th grade, when I started studying
economics I saw a topic which involved linear functions and equations in order to
make quantitative analysis of the behaviour of people and firms. This topic made
me recognise the value of a topic that i've never evaluated before. The application
defined it's value.
Si los expertos de una disciplina determinada tienen acceso a los mismos hechos ¿cómo es posible que pueda haber desacuerdos entre ellos? Desarrolle su respuesta haciendo referencia a dos áreas de conocimiento