Kaleb Symbolism


Mind Map
Kaleb Collins
Mind Map by Kaleb Collins, updated more than 1 year ago
Kaleb Collins
Created by Kaleb Collins over 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Kaleb Symbolism
  1. "The Road Not Taken"
    1. "Two roads diverged."
      1. Choice/decision
      2. "Yellow wood"
        1. Middle Age
        2. "Long I stood."
          1. Thought long about their decision
          2. "Undergrowth."
            1. The obstacles in life.
            2. "It was grassy and wanted wear."
              1. Uncommon decision
              2. "Took the one less traveled by."
                1. The author made the less chosen decision.
                2. "Had worn them really about the same"
                  1. Led to the same outcome but in different ways.
                  2. "Took the other just as fair"
                    1. Thought about each decision equally.
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