The Byzantine Empire


mind map for the project
Mind Map by ohayes, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ohayes about 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Byzantine Empire
  1. The Great Schism
    1. Eastern Christianity
      1. the language was Greek, the Clergy had the right to marry,, there was a patriarch instead of a pope
      2. Western Christianity
        1. the language was Latin, they had a pope, focused more on Christmas
        2. icons
          1. The banning and the use of icons started this schism
            1. The use of holy images
              1. an emporer outlawed them because he thought it was worshipping many Gods.
          2. Theodora
            1. The emperor Justinian's wife
              1. She was formerly an "actress" (prostitute)
                1. Justinian had to change the rules around to marry her because of her past
                2. Shrewd politician who served as an advisor and co ruler to Justinian
                  1. pursued her own policies
              2. Justinian
                1. Made his own code of laws called, "Justinians Code"
                  1. This was a commission to collect, revise, and organize all the laws of Ancient Rome.
                    1. The most important laws were picked for this document
                      1. Following Monarchs and even National law today were influenced by this code of laws
                    2. He was a very successful emperor- Rome reached his peak with him in power
                      1. He determined to revive Ancient Rome by recovering lands
                        1. Built Hagia Sophia
                      2. Constantinople
                        1. Vital center of the empire located on the shores of Bosporus.
                          1. Had an excellent harbor and it commanded key trade
                            1. Linked Europe and Asia
                          2. The capital of the Byzantine Empire- very well protected
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