WBC Disorders_3


Abnormalities of WBCs: Quantitative, Qualitative and Lipid Storage Diseases
Mind Map by robersonk1106, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Ms. S
Created by Ms. S about 11 years ago
Copied by robersonk1106 about 11 years ago
Copied by robersonk1106 about 11 years ago
Copied by robersonk1106 about 11 years ago
Copied by robersonk1106 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

WBC Disorders_3
  1. Quantitative Changes
    1. Neutrophilia
      1. Infections
        1. Inflammatory response
          1. Stress Response
            1. Malignancies
              1. Surgery
                1. Physical Conditions: heat, cold, shock
                  1. Drugs
                    1. Phagocytosis - Xstal
                    2. Eosinophilia
                      1. Basophilia
                        1. Monocytosis
                          1. Neutropenia
                            1. Eosinopenia
                              1. Basopenia
                                1. Monocytopenia
                                  1. Lymphocytosis
                                    1. Lymphocytopenia
                                    2. Qualitative Defects - Martha
                                      1. Toxic Granulation
                                        1. Toxic Vacuolization
                                          1. Dohle Bodies
                                          2. Human Ehrlichiosis - Juanita
                                            1. Hereditary WBC Disorders - Kevin
                                              1. May-Hegglin Anomaly
                                                1. Alder-Reilly Anomaly
                                                  1. Pelger-Huet Anomaly
                                                    1. Chediak-Higashi Syndrome
                                                    2. Reactive Lymphocytosis - A. Lee
                                                      1. Other Sources of Reactive Lymphocytosis - Karmin
                                                      2. Lipid Storage Diseases
                                                        1. Niemann-Pick Disease - Janie
                                                          1. Gaucher's Disease - Sylvia
                                                            1. Tay-Sachs Disease - Kirstie
                                                              1. desroys neurons in brain & Spinal Cord
                                                                  1. Enter text here
                                                              2. Bacteria and Other Unexpected WBC Changes - Donna
                                                                1. Fashikie
                                                                  1. Smith
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