French tenses A-level


A level French Mind Map on French tenses A-level, created by Olivia Derda on 16/10/2022.
Olivia Derda
Mind Map by Olivia Derda, updated more than 1 year ago
Olivia Derda
Created by Olivia Derda about 2 years ago

Resource summary

French tenses A-level
  1. Future
    1. going to future
      1. pronoun + conjugated present aller+ infinitive
        1. je vais, tu vas, il/on va, nous allons, vous alles, ils vont
        2. EXAMPLE: Je vais voir un film
        3. simple future
          1. infinitive+ ending
            1. je - ai, tu- as, il/on - a, nous- ons, vous-ez, ils- ent
              1. EXAMPLE: il fera ses devoirs, Je jouerai
                1. IRREGULARS- Faire- Fer , Etre - ser, pouvoir- pourr,
              2. Future perfect
                1. Simple future Avoir // Etre + past participle
                  1. Je: aurai, serai, Tu: auras, seras, Il/on: aura, sera, nous: aurons, serons, vous: aurez, serez, ils: auront, seront
                    1. PAST PARTICIPLE
                      1. -ER : E
                        1. - IR: I
                          1. - RE: U
                            1. IRREGULARS: ete, cru, bu, vu, pu, fait
                      2. Present
                        1. -er
                          1. je - e, Tu- es, il/on-e, nous-ons, vous-ez, ils-ent.
                          2. -IR
                            1. je- is, tu-is, il/on- it, nous - issons, vous- issez, ils- issent.
                            2. -RE
                              1. je- s, tu- s, il/on - _, nous- ons, vous- ez, ils- ent.
                            3. Past
                              1. PAST HISTORIC
                                1. INFINITVE -ENDING + NEW ENDINGS
                                  1. -ER
                                    1. JE: ai, TU: as, IL/ON: a, NOUS: âmes, VOUS: âtes, ILS: èrent
                                    2. -RE
                                      1. JE: is, TU: is, IL/ON: it, NOUS: îmes, VOUS: îtes, ILS: irent
                                      2. -IR
                                        1. JE: is, TU: is, IL/ON: it, NOUS: îmes, VOUS: îtes, ILS: irent
                                        2. IRREGULARS: AVOIR // ETRE, VERBS ENDING IN: -OIR, -CER (add ç before the ending (except in ils) , -GER (add an e before the ending (except in ils), venir + tenir (and all related forms eg. revenir)
                                        3. ONLY HAVE TO RECOGNISE IN TEXT
                                        4. perfect
                                          1. Present avoir // etre + past participle
                                            1. VERBS THAT TAKE ETRE
                                              1. Devenir, Rentrer, Monter, Retourner, Sortir, Venir, Arriver, Naitre, Descendre, Etre, Revenir, Tomber, Rester, Aller, Mourir, Partir
                                                1. HAVE TO AGREE WITH THE NOUN (MASC FEM, PL)
                                              2. JE: ai, suis, TU: as, es, IL/ON: a, est, NOUS: avons, sommes, VOUS: avez, etes, ILS: ont, sont
                                                1. PAST PARTICIPLE: SEE FUTURE PERFECT
                                              3. Pluperfect
                                                1. imperfect avoir // etre + past participle
                                                  1. JE: avais, etais, ,TU: avais etais, IL/ON: avait, etait, NOUS:avions, etions, VOUS: aviez, etiez, ILS: avaient etaient
                                                    1. PAST PARTICIPLE : SEE FUTURE PERFECT
                                                  2. Imperfect
                                                    1. NOUS FORM OF PRESENT TENSE VERB -ONS + ENDINGS
                                                      1. ENDINGS: -ais; -ais; -ait; -ions; -iez; -aient.
                                                  3. Conditional
                                                    1. conditional perfect- something that will have happened
                                                      1. Conditional avoir // etre + past participle
                                                        1. PAST PARTICIPLE SEE FUTURE PERFECT
                                                          1. JE: aurais, serais, TU: aurais, serais, IL/ON: aurait, serait, NOUS: aurions, serions, VOUS: auries, seriez, ILS:auraient, seraient
                                                        2. Infinitive + endings
                                                          1. ENDINGS:-ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient
                                                        3. Subjunctive (mood)
                                                          1. Something uncertain etc. : eg. il faut que..
                                                            1. Ils form of present tense verb -ent + ending
                                                              1. ENDINGS: JE: e, TU: es, IL/ON: e, NOUS:ions, VOUS:iez, ILS:ent
                                                            2. IRREGULARS: STEMS FOR NOUS/ VOUS ONLY
                                                              1. APPELLER - appel, ACHETER- achet, BOIRE: buv, CROIRE: croy, JETTER: jet, MANGER/RANGER: mang-, rang-, MOURIR: mour, PRENDRE: pren, RECEVOIR:recev, TENIR/VENIR:ten-,ven-, VOIR:voy
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