A current is a Continuous Flow


Mind map of Current as a Continuous Flow.
cobalt blue
Mind Map by cobalt blue, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by MindmapExplosion almost 9 years ago
Copied by marleneqntn almost 9 years ago
cobalt blue
Copied by cobalt blue almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

A current is a Continuous Flow
  1. Electron Current
    1. rate at which the electrons pass a section of a wire
      1. i = nAv
    2. Convetional Current
      1. The amount of charge passing some point per second
        1. I= qnAv
      2. At any node (junction) in an electrical circuit, the sum of currents flowing into that node is equal to the sum of currents flowing out of that node or equivalently The algebraic sum of currents in a network of conductors meeting at a point is zero.
        1. The Loop Rule: The sum of all the potential differences around a closed loop equals zero. Σ ΔV = 0 for a complete loop
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