

Mind Map on Writing, created by alsammahi6 on 17/10/2015.
Mind Map by alsammahi6, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Maram 7sn
Created by Maram 7sn over 9 years ago
Copied by alsammahi6 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Adapt to your Audience
    1. Being Sensitive to Audience's Needs
      1. Using "You" Attitude
        1. Speaking & Writing for Audience
          1. Interests, Hopes, Preference
          2. Replacing your terms with Audience terms
          3. Use Bias-free Language
            1. Age
              1. Race
                1. Gender
                  1. Disability
                  2. Maintaining Etiquette
                    1. Show Respect, Be courteous, diplomacy
                    2. Emphasize the Positive
                      1. Avoid Negativity
                        1. Stress benefits
                          1. Use Euphemisms
                        2. Controlling Style & Tone
                          1. using a conversational tone
                            1. differenciate between texting and writing
                              1. avoid pompous language
                                1. avoid preaching or bragging
                                  1. be careful with intimacy or humour
                                  2. using plain language
                                    1. project a 'you' attitude
                                        1. respect the audie
                                        2. boost productivity
                                        3. active or passive voice
                                          1. active
                                            1. direct
                                              1. concise
                                                1. easier to read
                                                2. passive
                                                  1. vague
                                                    1. tactful
                                                      1. wordy
                                                  2. Building strong relationship
                                                      1. establish your credibility
                                                        1. honesty
                                                          1. objectivity
                                                            1. sincerity
                                                              1. confidence
                                                                1. credentials
                                                                  1. awareness of audience needs
                                                                2. project the company's image
                                                                  1. be a spokesperson
                                                                    1. observe colleagues
                                                                      1. follow guidelines
                                                                  2. Compose the Message
                                                                    1. strong word
                                                                      1. Choose powerful words, choose familiar words, avoid clichés and buzzwords, use jargon carefully.
                                                                      2. Effective Sentences
                                                                        1. Emphasize key thoughts.
                                                                        2. Coherent Paragraphs
                                                                          1. 1) Unity and coherenc 2) Topic sentence 3) Support sentences 4) Transitional elements
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