

Mind Map on Pneumonia, created by Marwa Alqassim on 31/10/2022.
Marwa Alqassim
Mind Map by Marwa Alqassim, updated more than 1 year ago
Marwa Alqassim
Created by Marwa Alqassim over 2 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

  1. lung infection that inflames alveoli
    1. causes
      1. Clinical Classification
        1. community vs hospital
          1. typical vs atypical
          2. Morphorogical Classification
            1. Bronchopneumonia
              1. Lobar pneumonia
                1. Interstitial
          3. Pathophysiology
            1. Clinical presentation
              1. typical
                1. fever
                  1. productive cough
                    1. chills
                      1. tachypnea
                        1. pleuritic chest pain
                2. atypical
                  1. mild symptoms
                3. Risk factors
                  1. Age > 65 , or < 5
                    1. Smoking
                      1. Hospetalizaton
                        1. Chronic disease
                  2. Investigations
                    1. CBC
                      1. BUN
                        1. sputum specimen
                          1. CURB-65 score
                  3. management
                    1. Cell Wall Synthesis inhibitors
                      1. 4th & 5th Generation Cephalosporins
                      2. Nucleic acid inhibitors
                      3. Complications
                        1. bacteremia
                          1. pleural effusion
                            1. Lung abscess
                        2. Anatomy of lung
                          1. Pancreatitis
                            1. inflammation of the pancreas
                              1. Risk factors
                                1. Age
                                  1. Family history
                                    1. Smoking
                                      1. Alcohol
                                2. Causes
                                  1. Acute
                                    1. Chronic
                                    2. Clinical presentation
                                      1. Acute
                                        1. Severe upper abdominal pain radiating to back
                                          1. Fast resting heart rate
                                            1. Fever
                                        2. Chronic
                                          1. Frequent , increased severity of abdominal pain
                                            1. High blood sugar level
                                              1. Pancreatic insufficiency
                                        3. Investigations
                                          1. CBC & LFT
                                            1. Serum lipase & amylase
                                              1. CT & Ultrasound
                                          2. Pathophysiology
                                            1. Complications
                                              1. Acute
                                                1. Malnutrition
                                                  1. Kidney Failure
                                                    1. Breathing problems
                                                2. Chronic
                                                  1. Diabetes
                                                    1. Pancreatic Cancer
                                                3. Management
                                                  1. Acute
                                                    1. Early eating.
                                                      1. Pain medications
                                                        1. IV fluids
                                                          1. ERCP
                                                    2. Chronic
                                                      1. Pain management
                                                        1. Enzymes
                                                          1. Pancreas resection
                                                            1. Total pancreatectomy
                                                  2. Anatomy
                                                    1. Histo
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