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Media and Society Audiences Part 1
Mind map on audience with George and Shelly, part 1
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evolution of media
mass audience
audience as outcome
audience as mass
audience as agent
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
about 9 years ago
Resource summary
Media and Society Audiences Part 1
AUDIENCES 5/10/2015
Evolution of the audience
Greek Era
Audiences were male
Intellectual debate
Contributed to demographic society
Rational thinking
19th Century
Audience considered angry mob/crowd - potentially dangerous
New idea came around time of media/press
Considered to be lower class
About classes - middle class saw lower class as angry/aggressive
Passive Spectartorship
Intro of film
Consume/absorb whatever is said/shown to them.
Looks at how an audience can be impacted upon
Does the position of an audience member impact what they take from the media image etc?
Idea that the audience 'construct' their own opinions etc based on what they have seen as well as own experience etc.
Media views on audience
Audience as Outcome
How media acts upon them
Audience's behaviour is outcome of the media
Audience as a mass
Media treats audience as one mass
Doesn't acknowledge differences of aud
Much more complex than this
Audience as an Agent
Aud work with media to chose what they are influenced by
We are more active/interactive with media
Mass Audience
Anonymous individuals are receiving a particular message from a form of media
All engage for different reasons
Not acknowledging any differences in aud
All the same opinions, needs etc.
Belief whole audience will react in the same way
Idea that media is problematic
A large audience e.g. Superbowl
Oppose to narrowcasting
BBC News, broadsheet papers
Fragment audiences
Multiple audiences instead of just audience
Different audiences engage in different media
Fragmented audience means fragmented media
Became more developed thanks to development of media, technology and products to display media
Audience's attention is split between multiple resources
Media was more powerful as only one outlet at once
Radio and TV until 1928, got 3 channels in 1964 then channel 4 in 80's
Articles/news discussed across social media platforms - loads more competition/challenges
Idea that audience isn't one lump
Don't all share same experience
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