Security Policies


A-Level ICT Mind Map on Security Policies, created by indysingh7285 on 19/10/2015.
Mind Map by indysingh7285, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by indysingh7285 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Security Policies
  1. Legal Compliance
    1. Data Protection Act 1998
      1. Computer Missuse Act 1990
        1. Copyright, Designs and Patenets Act 1998
        2. Usernames/Passwords
          1. Must be kept confidential
            1. Forbids use of others people
            2. Forbid Non-Institutional Use
              1. Equipment
                1. Cannot be moved without permission
                  1. Cannot attach to network without permisson
                  2. Uses
                    1. Must not damage ICT facilities
                      1. Must not modify software
                        1. Minimise use of consumables
                          1. No food/drink in ICT rooms
                            1. Avoid annoyance to others
                            2. Health and Safety
                              1. Compliance with Health and Safety laws
                                1. Adopt safe working practices
                                2. Penalties for Infringement
                                  1. Legal penalties
                                    1. Disciplinary action
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