Nazi Treatment of Minorities


History-Nazi Germany Mind Map on Nazi Treatment of Minorities, created by millieprice7 on 23/11/2013.
Mind Map by millieprice7, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by millieprice7 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Nazi Treatment of Minorities
  1. ARYAN SUPREMACY - Scandinavian looking- tall, blond, blue-eyed, athletic, believed Germans were from pure Aryan decent, Hitler wanted to create this through selective breeding, had race farms, army only employed Aryan men, Aryan men were only allowed to marry Aryan women.
    1. IDEAS ABOUT JEWS/GYPSIES - Seen as inferior or sub-human, only 1/2 million in Germany, Germans were suspicious of their success and different religion, made Jews easy targets for Hitlers anti-semitism, made up of 16% lawyers and 10% doctors, used Jews as 'scapegoat' eg treaty of Versailles,humiliation, hyperinflation, should be removed so they don't prevent the creation of the Aryan master race.
      1. Gypsies - non-aryan, can't mix with Aryans so in 1935 marriages between Gypsies and Aryans were banned, in 1938 a decree for a 'struggle against the gypsie plague' was issued - forced them to register. Vagrants - included beggars, men moving from town to town trying to find work and young people who left home. In 1938, SS rounded up 100,000 and put in concentration camps. Black People - Nuremburg laws of 1935 banned marriage between Aryans and black people and gypsies. Sterilized children born to black parents (cannot have children). Mentally Ill - Convinced could not be cured, actions became extreme. set up the 'public ambulance service LTD' to kill mentally ill and by 1945, it had murdered 70,000.
        1. 1933 - Boycott of Jewish shops organised by the SA - To try and get the Jews out of Germany 1934 - Local councils banned Jews from public places like swimming pools - Loss of freedom 1935 - NUREMBURG LAWS meant that Jews lost the right to be German citizens. Gypsies were classified as 'aliens' - couldn't vote, sexual relationships with Aryans were banned 1936 - Jews were banned from professions such as dentists, vets and accountants - Jewish doctors could only have Jewish patients 1938 - KRISTALLNACHT - The SA started a 3 day campaign to destroy Jewish shops, homes and synagogues. Jewish children were excluded from German schools and men were renamed 'Israel' and women 'Sarah'. Letter J on their passport 1939 - The first ghettos were opened in German-occupied Poland and Jews were no longer allowed to run shops or businesses and were banned from chocolate 1942 - 'the final solution' 1942-45 - Millions of Jews exterminated in concentration camps such as Auschwitz.
          1. 1933-1939 - Jews left Germany, most went to Poland, been forced out by Nazi violence and loss of work.
            1. 1939-1945 - Nazi aim for mass extermination of Jews -> Genocide
          2. KRISTALLNACHT (THE NIGHT OF BROKEN GLASS) - This marks a change in how the Jews were treated. More violent and well-organised attacks. Organised by Goebbels. 815 shops destroyed, 191 synagogues burnt down, 91 dead, 20,000 arrested over the night. Goring forces Jewish people to pay 1 billion marks for the damage.
            1. THE FINAL SOLUTION - War changes Nazi policy because they are not concerned about opinion of other countries and success in war brought more Jews under control. New extreme policy was extermination of all Jewish people. How: Starvation - Ghettos, Murder Squad - shot 2 million in Russia, Conference of Wannsee - Jan 1942 - Himmler and Goring plan for building of death camps. Built in Poland, open March 1943 - Jews transported from all over Europe. Split into those who worked to death and those who were immediately killed in gas chambers - 6 million Jews and 1/2 million Gypsies died.
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