3.1 Caregiver - Infant interactions


A level Psychology (attachments) Mind Map on 3.1 Caregiver - Infant interactions, created by Alicja Klak on 01/01/2023.
Alicja Klak
Mind Map by Alicja Klak, updated more than 1 year ago
Alicja Klak
Created by Alicja Klak over 1 year ago

Resource summary

3.1 Caregiver - Infant interactions
  1. Evaluation
    1. Strengths:
      1. Filmed observation. Means distractions can be removed and observation is recorded and can be analysed later. Also babies dont know they are being filmed so cant change their behaviour in response.
      2. Weaknesses:
        1. Babies lack co-ordination, cannot be sure of the meaning of certain behaviours.
          1. Feldman (2012) points our that ideas like synchrony only give names to patterns of observable behaviour. Cannot be certain they are important for development.
        2. Reciprocity
          1. A description of how two people interact. An interaction shows reciprocity when each person responds to the other and elicits a response from them.
          2. Interactional synchrony
            1. Defined as the "temporal co-ordination of micro-level social behaviour"
              1. Takes place when a caregiver and baby interact in such a way that their actions and emotions mirror each other, in a synchronised manner.
                1. Isabella et al (1989): observed 30 mothers and babies together and assessed degree of synchrony. Found high levels of synchrony was associated with better quality attachment.
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