Chapter 17: Accounting for Income Taxes


This is my mind map for BUS 420 Chapter 17.
Lucille Lamberson
Mind Map by Lucille Lamberson, updated more than 1 year ago
Lucille Lamberson
Created by Lucille Lamberson about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 17: Accounting for Income Taxes
  1. Deferred tax asset
    1. Amount of future income taxes refundable
    2. Deferred tax liability
      1. Amount of future income taxes payable
      2. Total income tax provision = Current income tax expense (benefit) + Deferred income tax expense (benefit)
        1. Taxable temporary difference
          1. Arises when the financial reporting (book) basis of an asset exceeds its corresponding tax basis
            1. Arises when the financial reporting (book) basis of a liability is less than its corresponding tax basis
          2. Deductible temporary differences
            1. Arises when revenues or gains are taxable BEFORE they are recognized in net income
              1. Arises when expenses or losses are deductible on the tax return AFTER they reduce net income
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