

Computer Science Mind Map on Problems, created by Pradyumna Pasumarty on 12/01/2023.
Pradyumna Pasumarty
Mind Map by Pradyumna Pasumarty, updated more than 1 year ago
Pradyumna Pasumarty
Created by Pradyumna Pasumarty almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

  1. How to understand problems?
    1. Simply put, a problem is an undesirable situation. This problem could be undesirable to one party, but not to some other parties.
      1. Thus, problems are closely tied to specific people/groups. Communication is key for understanding a problem.
        1. A single solution can't address everyone. One can design solutions that address a big group though.
          1. How to understand the needs of a diverse group?
            1. Surveys
              1. Async & structured. But could induce bias!
              2. Interviews
                1. Types: Formal/Structured or Casual
                  1. Dont's: Avoid leading & loaded questions. Avoid double negatives
                    1. Preparation: Define a focus, brainstorm questions, organize into lists etc
                    2. Secondary research
                      1. Using previous research. But might not cater properly to your needs.
                      2. Observations
                        1. Contextual Inquiry: Watch how people work, live and ask questions. I.e. they teach you about their lives
                          1. Define a focus. Avoid non contextual questions.
                            1. Inquire in real contexts
                              1. Create a rapport with the informant for smoother conversations.
                          2. Example: ATM Machines should cater to blind people, disabled people, technically illiterate people etc
                        2. Example: Gambling is undesirable to addicts but not to casinos!
                      3. How to define problems?
                        1. Problem definitions come from interpretation and synthesis
                          1. The following aspects in people's situations need to be noticed.
                            1. Patterns
                              1. Cause
                                1. Consequences
                                  1. Solutions
                                    1. How to derive all this knowledge? Set goals & values.
                                      1. Set up personas.
                                        1. Do's: Keep the details accurate.
                                          1. Dont's: Avoid making up personas
                                          2. Set up scenarios.
                                            1. Dos: Set specific details of how, when, where etc
                                              1. Dont's: Avoid interaction details.
                                              2. On defining goals, personas & scenarios, the problem needs to be explained simply.
                                                1. Set up the solution space
                                                  1. Specify scale and consequences
                                                    1. Explanations are important as everybody's different and clear ideas help everyone agree.
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