the statistics


Mind Map on the statistics, created by bridny toro on 06/02/2023.
bridny toro
Mind Map by bridny toro, updated more than 1 year ago
bridny toro
Created by bridny toro almost 2 years ago
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Resource summary

the statistics
  1. The word "statistics" refers to a system or method used in the collection, organization, analysis, and numerical description of information. It can also be said that statistics studies the behavior of events or phenomena of groups. (Martínez, C. (2012). Statistics and sampling).
    1. importance
      1. facilitates the visualization of the data. They allow to be presented in a meaningful and understandable way, which in turn allows for a simplified interpretation of the data set in question.
      2. Troubleshooting tools:
        1. Tables, graphs, measures of central tendency, dispersion, etc.
          1. Statistics is divided into two branches:
            1. descriptive: organizing, collecting, and communicating numerical information.
              1. Who in turn has different types of analysis:
                1. central tendency: who summarizes in a single value, a data set.
                  1. M. of dispersion: who indicates how far the data is from the arithmetic mean and tells us how variable our data are.
                    1. M. de distribución: quien permite ubicar gráficamente como se juntan los valores de una muestra determinada
                  2. Inferential: conducts the conclusions of the population, on the other hand it deals with the analysis, interpretation of the results and the conclusions that can be reached from the information obtained from a sample in order to extend its results to the population under study
                    1. whose statistical sets can be generalized as:
                      1. attribute causes
                        1. differences
                          1. predict
                            1. correlate
                              1. analyze factors
                                1. get effects and etc.
                                2. "inferential statistics use the descriptive data to perform specific analyses"
                            2. In making decisions:
                              1. Statistics is a science that is responsible for collecting, organizing, processing, analyzing and interpreting data in order to deduce the characteristics of a target group or population, its importance lies in the fact that it is a highly reliable source of information for decision making.
                                1. On the other hand, in the correct decision making, descriptive statistics is very fundamental since it allows to know the main properties of the observed data and the key characteristics of the studied phenomena. It is through numerical descriptive measures (mean, median, mode, mean deviation, variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, Fisher's coefficient, and coefficient of variation) that the researcher can obtain summarized information from the data, which under conditions of uncertainty you want to analyze to make a sound decision.
                                2. Whose tools are: brainstorming, affinity diagram, Pareto diagram, Ishikawa diagram (or cause and effect diagram).
                                3. Purpose of the statistics:
                                  1. It is considered that its purpose is to provide information and its usefulness will depend largely on the purpose that is proposed and on the way in which the data is obtained.
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