

This is a mind map of ecosystems, and the cycling of mater. The mind map will show the cycling of energy by organisms, the water cycle, the nitrogen cycle, and the carbon cycle.
Lilian Gance
Mind Map by Lilian Gance, updated more than 1 year ago
Lilian Gance
Created by Lilian Gance almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

  1. By Lilian Gance
    1. Energy Flow of Organisms
      1. Food Chain
        1. A chain of organisms in an ecosystem, plus the sun
        2. Food web
          1. A web of organisms in an ecosystem, plus the sun
          2. Energy pyramid
            1. A pyramid of consumers in an ecosystem
            2. Consumers
              1. Decomposers
                1. eats dead things
                2. herbivores
                  1. plant eaters
                  2. Omnivores
                    1. both plant and meat eaters
                    2. Carnivores
                      1. Meat eaters
                      2. Organisms that eat other organisms for energy
                        1. Examples
                          1. Wolves
                      3. Organisms
                        1. A living life form, contains alteast one cell
                          1. Examples
                            1. Bacteria
                        2. Producers
                          1. Producers create their own food for energy
                            1. Examples
                              1. Plants
                        3. Nitrogen Cycle
                          1. Animals
                            1. help fertilize the soil the
                            2. Root systems
                              1. Roots create nodules that house the bacteria
                              2. Plants
                                1. Plants absorb ammonium and nitrate during the assimilation process then converts it into nitrogen.
                                2. Nitrogen Fixation
                                  1. Any process that that creates nitrogen
                                  2. Bacteria
                                    1. Converts nitrogen gas into solid nitrogen
                                    2. Soil
                                      1. Soil holds the nitrogen deeded for plants to grow
                                      2. Atmosphere
                                        1. holds the gas nitrogen
                                        2. lightning
                                          1. the heat of the lightning can preform nitrogen fixation
                                          2. Decomposers
                                            1. nitrogen in dead things is converted back into gas
                                            2. waste
                                              1. when decomposed it adds nitrogen to the soil
                                            3. Carbon cycle
                                              1. Atmosphere
                                                1. Carbon atoms continually travel from the atmosphere to the ground, then back to thee atmosphere, and so on...
                                                2. Plants and Bacteria on land
                                                  1. Converts bicarbonate into organic mollicules
                                                  2. Plants and Bacteria in water
                                                    1. CO2 dissolves in water, and they make it into organic carbon
                                                    2. Animals
                                                      1. produce carbon
                                                      2. Sedaments and soil
                                                        1. Holds the largest preportion of carbon on earth.
                                                        2. fossil fuels
                                                          1. emit carbon
                                                          2. combustion
                                                            1. the process of burning fossil fuels
                                                            2. decomposition
                                                              1. dead animals turned into cerbon with bacteria
                                                              2. cellular respiration
                                                                1. releases energy in the carbon
                                                                2. Photosynthesis
                                                                  1. turns CO2 into O2
                                                                3. water cycle
                                                                  1. Atmosphere
                                                                    1. holds precipitated clouds
                                                                    2. runoff
                                                                      1. precipitated water flowing down hills, and mountains
                                                                      2. rivers
                                                                        1. usually part of runoff, a stream of flowing water usually after precipitation.
                                                                        2. lakes
                                                                          1. body of water housing some runoff, and precipitation, and rivers. uses infiltration.
                                                                          2. ocean
                                                                            1. very large body of water housing runoff, precipitation and rivers
                                                                            2. aquifer
                                                                              1. large rocks holding large amounts of water underground
                                                                              2. infiltration
                                                                                1. lake water seeping underground tward the ocean
                                                                                2. transpiration
                                                                                  1. water evaporating from a plant
                                                                                  2. Exhalation
                                                                                    1. animals peeing
                                                                                    2. evaporation
                                                                                      1. water from the ground turned into a gas
                                                                                      2. precipitation
                                                                                        1. raining water from the sky
                                                                                        2. condensation
                                                                                          1. when evaporated water cools down
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