in the Middle ages, it was common to compose plays drama in verse.
Early Christian mystery plays were always written in verse. By the 14th century -
drama was free of Church control, and plays were performed by lay persons from
the craft guilds which were called “mysteries"
To satisfy the growing public demand, the guilds constructed elaborate pageant wagons as
stages for their cycles of plays
The subject matter was still religious - mystery
plays (based on the Bible) and miracle plays
(based upon the lives of saints) were the only
dramatic fare
The York Cycle, The Wakefield Cycle, the Chester Cycle
By the time of the
Renaissance period,
Shakespeare and others
wrote plays that mixed
prose, rhymed verse, and
blank verse. Shakespeare
also used rhyming couplets
in his plays
The traditions of costumes and masks were seen in
ancient Greek drama, medieval mystery plays, and
Reniassance drama.
Conventions like asides, wherein actors
make comments directly to the audience
unheard by other characters; and
soliloquies, i.e.dramatic monologues, were
also common during Shakespeare’s
Elizabethan dramatic period. Elizabethan
dialogue tended to use colloquial prose for
lower-class character’s speech and stylized
verse for upper class characters.
Pre-Shakespearean Drama - miracle plays still
flourished - 1. Interludes(comic, realistic but
didactic). 2. Academic Comedy 3. Academic
Tragedy 4. Court Drama (by Royal decree) 5.
Drama in the public theatre
First public theater opened in 1576
As drama moved towards realism, dialogue became less poetic and more
conversational. In contemporary drama, actors break the fourth wall,
addressing the audience.