Brain maturation processes (e.g., cell
migration, pruning of connections)
seem to be less fully realised in people
with schizophrenia
Structural brain abnormalities may be
evident before onset of the disorder, and
may change little over time
Psychological models
Both neuropsychological factors (deficits) and
cognitive factors (biases) have been implicated
Information processing deficits:
e.g. source monitoring – is this
“voice” from me or not?
Reasoning biases: e.g. Jumping to conclusions –
deluded individuals use insufficient information
before reaching a conclusion
Distorted appraisals: e.g. In paranoia, an
“external & personalising” bias – i.e.
attribution of negative events to others
rather than self or the situation
Cannabis & Schziophrenia
Cross sectional studies show an
association between cannabis
dependence and schizophrenia
Longitudinal study: Heavy cannabis users at age
18 were 2.3 times more likely to have a
schizophrenia admission by age 33 after
controlling for pre-existing psychiatric problems
Implications: Heavy use
of mind altering drugs
can increase the risk for
schizophrenia... ...but
only a minority of drug
abusers will get the
Vulnerability-stress-coping model
Contributed to by genetic and biological
factors, and other enduring problems
All people can be considered to have
vulnerability, but to different degrees
Any factors that tax our ability to cope
May arise from life events stressful to anyone, or from
stressors unique to the person, including daily hassles
Can be external to the person(e.g.,exam stress) or internal
(e.g., using mind altering drugs; maturational changes)
Automatic and deliberate actions
taken to restore well-being
Central idea
The occurrence of episodes of a disorder is
dependent on the relative levels of
vulnerability, stress and coping responses
The experience of stress automatically leads the
person to attempt adaptation
Successful coping is contributed to by
both “coping effort” and “competence”
Coping breakdown allows the psychopathology to erupt
Evidence for vulnerability
Adolescents at high risk for psychosis
have detectable neurocognitive deficits
Processing speed, sustained attention, memory
People with psychosis have high
incidence of impaired sustained
so do their children
so do those who have recovered
Relatives have increased incidence
of schizotypal personality traits,
auditory processing irregularities
Does stress precipitate episodes?
Life event stressors are strongly
associated with worsening symptoms in
the months leading up to relapse of
schizophrenia and with onset of
Daily hassles are also
implicated in relapses ̶ And in
symptom exacerbation And in
onset of sub-clinical symptoms
in the normal population
Explains the episodic nature of psychosis
whilst recognising the possibility of enduring
deficits in brain structure or function ̶ i.e.,
incomplete cell migration may be a
vulnerability, but an episode of psychosis
requires either an increase in stress or a
breakdown in current coping to emerge
Can engender hope: people are not simply passive
victims of their vulnerability or of stressors ̶ Stress
can potentially be managed by coping actions
Prompts a wide range of interventions ̶ e.g., if
medication (a way of reducing vulnerability) is
insufficient to restore equilibrium, reduction of
stressors, or coping skills development can be instituted
Evidence-based treatments for Schizophrenia
‘Antipsychotic’ medications
Theoretical rationale
Excess release of a
neurotransmitter can be
treated by blocking its
receptors (with an alternative
Reduction/cessation of positive
(‘psychotic’) symptoms in a majority of
Incomplete remission of positive
symptoms in many patients
Little benefit for negative
symptoms, except for Clozapine
Side effects may include akathisia, weight gain,
hypersalivation, photosensitivity, impotence, fits, etc.
In general, antipsychotics have
similar efficacy in reduction or
cessation of positive symptoms in
the acute phase: 2/3 patients
show considerable gain
However, some patients
recover from acute phases
without medication
Maintenance antipsychotic medication
following an acute episode is effective
in reducing the risk of relapse
14 -21% of patients on medication relapse
within 9 months, Vs. 55% of patients on
placebo relapse within 9 months
Family Interventions
Strong evidence for
relapse reduction
CBT for psychosis
Can improve symptoms persisting
despite antipsychotic use and
possibly other challenges of
Social Skills Training
Improves skills, but generalisation
to everyday life is difficult
Employment and
similar programs
Symptom focussed interventions
Three types of symptom
interventions for hallucinations
and delusions
1. Coping Enhancement:
builds on the person’s
‘natural’ ways of coping
Natural’ ways of coping
with hallucinations and
2. ‘Information Processing’ techniques:
theoretically- derived ways of avoiding or
inhibiting the symptoms
Vocalisation and subvocalisation
3. Cognitive Therapy interventions:changing
appraisals or beliefs to reduce distress and
undermine the power of the symptom
Identifies irrational (erroneous) beliefs and thoughts
that lead to distress and disruption in the person’s life
Belief Modification techniques
1. ‘Analysis of evidence’ technique
Elicit evidence given for the delusion; explore
alternative explanations for this evidence rather
than the delusion itself
2. Challenging belief
inconsistencies technique
Gentle raising of doubts by noting
inconsistencies within the delusional
system, or between delusional beliefs and
other beliefs
3. Reality test technique
Jointly construct a test that will prove
the delusion to be true or false to the
client’s satisfaction
Is symptom reduction or
elimination all that is needed in
treatment of psychosis?
Person-focused intervention
Recovery Therapy
1. Engagement and assessment - Flexible
and unhurried getting to know you, and
goal setting
2. Everyday coping and problem solving
practical ways of coping with smaller
problems or symptom distress
3. Working with hallucinations and delusions - symptom
control, coping, belief modification, prevention
4. Learning about psychosis -
developing a more adaptive ‘story’ of
what has happened
5. Strengthening adaptive views of self
- rediscovering, extending and building
a positive sense of self
6. Addressing personal issues and emotional disturbance
impeding adaptation Includes: - concurrent disorders
(substance use, social phobia) - pre-existing developmental
issues such as sexuality - trauma and grief of psychosis
7. Practical relapse prevention -early signs
identification, preferably including a
significant other
8. Family and social re-integration -includes
facilitating a low EE environment -support and
facilitation of social roles
9. Completion and follow-up
Relapse Prevention
Rationale for Relapse Prevention
A vulnerability-stress-coping
model of disorder suggests that
the experience of a disorder may be episodic, depending on
relative levels of stress and coping.
Interventions to reduce stressors, or boost
coping may prevent or forestall further episodes.
Doesn’t ordinary treatment prevent relapses?
Yes - Good ‘bio-psycho-social’ management goes beyond acute treatment ...
It may: reduce exposure to vulnerability via medication; reduce impact
of stressors via extra supports; enhance coping, etc. These should
reduce the likelihood of further episodes Relapse prevention via
monitoring for early warning signs ̶ Interventions to reduce stressors,
or boost coping may prevent or forestall further episodes. ...This is
“tertiary prevention”.
“Relapse prevention” programs are more specific.
They target at-risk sub-groups (selective prevention) or
focus on early warning signs of relapse (indicated
prevention) and They include specific additional
assessment and interventions
Necessary conditions for relapse prevention using early warning signs
1. ‘Early warning signs’ of relapse need to exist
2. Early warning signs must appear early enough to
be detected and acted upon before relapse
3. Realistic and reliable methods for detecting
early warning signs must be available
4. Consumers, families, case managers & doctors
must be prepared to commit to an action plan that is
activated by emergence of early warning signs
5. Interventions need to delay or prevent relapse
Early warning signs procedure
Establish relapse signature using observations
from both patient and others (e.g., family)
Agree on monitoring method -- Observer and or patient
questionaires, active monitoring by case working
CBT interventions in the relapse prodrome period
Key idea: cognitions may accelerate relapse
Negative appraisals of prodromal symptoms “I’m noticing the
voices more often – I’m going crazy again” Traumatic memories
“It was awful going to hospital”