

Animals and their young ones
kamna jain
Mind Map by kamna jain, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
kamna jain
Created by kamna jain almost 9 years ago
kamna jain
Copied by kamna jain almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Animals Lay eggs-oviparous
    1. Incubation -Eggs are kept warm
      1. Eggs structure
        1. Egg shell- think hard outer layer
          1. Albumen- Jelly like white coloured substance
            1. Yolk-Yellow substance present inside
              1. Embryo- Embryo develops into a young one
                1. Life cycle- different stages of life
      2. Birds


        • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyZjCw5Rl2Y
        1. Fish
          1. lay plenty of eggs in water Most are eaten by otherfish, few survive. Eggs get warmth from sun rays
          2. Frogs


            • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAcwjWi6I9Y
            1. lay large eggs ,in cluster called spawn.
              1. Young ones that hatch from the eggs are called tadpoles
                1. The process of transformation of a young one into an adult which looks different is called metamorphosis.
            2. Butterfly


              • http://natgeotv.com/ca/great-migrations/videos/growing-up-butterfly
              1. lay eggs on leaves
                1. small worm like larva called caterpillar hatches
                  1. larva grows in size by eating plants . It forms a prtotective covering called pupa
                    1. Pupa sheds its old skin many times -moulting
              2. Reptiles
                1. lay eggs on the ground
                  1. Sun rays help them to grow into an adult
                2. Grasshopper and cockroaches
                  1. Tiny larva called nymph
                    1. resemble parents
                      1. nymph undergoes moulting several times , develops into an adult


                        • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvxMnJVCfvo
                3. Animals give birth to babies-Mammals
                  1. Development takes place inside the mother and drink mother's milk
                    1. Babies have hair on their bodies breathe through lungs
                      1. Mammals take care of their young ones feed and protect them
                    2. whales and dolphins are called aquatic mammals
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