
Mind Map on CHIRPS GCSE PE, created by ttrrooppeerr on 28/10/2015.
Mind Map by ttrrooppeerr, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by r.wilson1905 almost 9 years ago
Copied by ttrrooppeerr almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Cultural
    1. Age
      1. People of all ages can do sport
      2. Disability
        1. Equipment is provided for people with disability's
        2. Gender
          1. Male and Female are encouraged to do sport in most countries
          2. Race
            1. People from different countries are better at other sports than others
          3. Health
            1. Illness
              1. Illness can cause problems when doing sport
              2. Health
                1. Peoples health may not be the best
                2. Problems
                  1. Problems can cause people not to do sport.
                3. Image
                  1. Fashion
                    1. Sports clothes are popular and also very expensive
                    2. Media
                      1. Sports is all over the media
                    3. Recources
                      1. Access
                        1. Not accessable
                        2. Location
                          1. Could be to far away
                          2. Availability
                            1. Some sports may not be available for people to do
                            2. Time
                              1. Haven't got the time to do it
                            3. People
                              1. Peers
                                1. Peers can inspire you to do different sports
                                2. Family
                                  1. Family can suggest for you do different sports
                                  2. Role Modles
                                    1. Role Models inspire you to play the sport that they do
                                  3. Socio-Economic
                                    1. Status
                                      1. Depending of your living status depends on the sports you do.
                                      2. Cost
                                        1. Some sports cost a lot of money
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