Choose a Native American Tribe to research and present on
Students get a choice between 3 different Native American Tribes: The Iroquois, Cherokee or Sioux. Once
students make a choice, they will have the option of working with a partner, or on their own. Should they
choose to work with a partner, there will be learner-to-learner interactions and learner-to-content.
Students will research their chosen tribe on Britannica. Then, students
will take their information and present it through a creative google
Peardeck Lesson
A technology resource that can be teacher or student paced. Will provide students with information on
Native American Tribes while being interactive and providing students with opportunities to answer
and ask questions. Opportunities for learner-to-technology and instructor-to-learner interactions.
Storytelling Circle
Native American tribes traditionally participate in oral story telling in their culture. Students
will watch video above to learn about storytelling and hear a real story from a Cherokee.
Students will then get to think of a story they want to share with the class in our own
storytelling circle. Students get a choice in what story they share, and voice
Native American Clothing
Link to Peardeck
Students will complete a Peardeck where they investigate pictures of traditional Native American clothing. Students will give
their notices and wonderings. Students share their voice through typing their notices and wonderings while interacting with technology.
After gaining background knowledge on traditional Native American clothing,
students will be given a plethora of craft materials. With those materials,
students will be tasked with creating they own version of a piece of Native
American clothing. Students are given choice and voice in their creation.
Native American Structures
Link to Peardeck about Native American
After students learn about 4 different Native American structures,
they will work with a team of students to build a replica of a Native
American structure. The teamwork will allow for learner-to-learner interactions.