Cushing Syndrome


Cushing Syndrome: Causes, Investigations and Management!
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عمو مياووووmeow  meow
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Resource summary

Cushing Syndrome
  1. Causes
    1. ACTH
      1. Pituitary Dependent
        1. Cushing's Disease
        2. ACTH Administration
          1. Ectopic ACTH secreting Tumour
            1. Impaired GTT (Frank DM)
              1. HypoKalaemia
            2. NON- ACTH
              1. Adrenal
                1. Carcinoma
                  1. Adenoma
                  2. Alcohol Induced "Psuedo-Cushing's"
                    1. Cushingoid Appearance due to alcohol consumption
                    2. Glucocorticoid administration
                  3. Excess corticoid secretion from adrenal glands
                    1. Normal histology
                    2. Diagnosis
                      1. Differential of Cause
                        1. ACTH Dependent
                          1. Ectopic


                            • Other tests. Radio-labelled otreotide to locate ectopic ACTH
                            1. Plasma ACTH >200ng/L
                              1. Frank Diabetes
                                1. Hypokalaemia
                                  1. 48 Hr Dexamethasone Test (High Dose)
                                    1. Failure of Significant Cortisol Suppression.
                                    2. Chest X-Ray
                                      1. Bronchial Carcinoid
                                        1. CT-Lung, Mediastinum and Abdomen
                                    3. MRI/CT Scan
                                      1. Bilateral Adrenal Hyperplasia
                                      2. Pituitary


                                        • Other Tests Catheterization of inferior petrosal sinus to measure ACTH for pituitary lesions.  
                                        1. Adenoma
                                          1. MRI/CT Scan
                                          2. Cushing Disease
                                            1. CRH Test


                                              • In response to exogenous CRH, Exaggerated ACTH and Cortisol Response is soon. 
                                        2. NON-ACTH
                                          1. Adrenal
                                            1. CT/MRI Scan
                                              1. Tumour
                                                1. 48 Hr Dexamethasone Test (High Dose)
                                                  1. Failure of Significant Cortisol Suppression.
                                                2. Adenoma
                                                  1. Nodular Hyperplasia
                                          2. Complications
                                            1. Osteoporosis
                                              1. Hypertension
                                                1. Type 2 diabetes
                                                  1. Loss of muscle mass
                                                  2. Synthesis of adrenocortical hormones
                                                    1. Signs and Symptoms
                                                      1. Treatment
                                                        1. Adrenalectomy
                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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