The future in 2035


grandes creaciones
Mind Map by millos-12312, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by millos-12312 almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

The future in 2035
  1. There will be products in witch say the name and appear instantly at home alone
    1. There will be a timer object with your voice to cook
      1. A robot will read for you
        1. The robot will give you what actions you have to make your routine
          1. Transport will walk trough technology platforms soil
            1. Dialoge tvs are what you need for your day
              1. The phones will be a piece of paper in your hand with many tools
                1. The cars will be those who manage yourself
                  1. The technology will do it all for you
                    1. There will be rebot's who collect your garbage
                      1. Everything will be more advanced for children
                        1. Thechnology will be more productive
                          1. There will be no general work
                            1. will improve the elderly with technology
                              1. There will be medicines that will cure diseases
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