Deviant Identity


deviant identity
Mind Map by rallen3, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rallen3 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Deviant Identity
  1. Deviant identity career
    1. Stage one: getting caught and publicly identified
      1. Stage two: retrospective interpretation (Schur) reviewing a new deviants past and present
        1. Stage three: Spoiled identity (Goffman)
          1. Stage six: treated differently. others have a negative view
            1. Stage four: Exclusion (Lemart) new deviant is excluded from reputable social groups
              1. Stage five: Inclusion (Lemart) deviant groups accept new deviants
                1. Stage seven: Internalization of the label (Cooley)
                2. Deviant identity
                  1. Master Status (Hughes) defines our primary identity
                    1. Auxiliary traits (Hughes) qualities associated with a master status
                      1. Primary Deviance (Lemart) someone who is deviant and is not recognized as a deviant
                        1. Secondary Deviance (Lemart) deviant people seen as deviant
                          1. Tertiary Devianve (Kitsuse) Identity embracement
                          2. Accounts
                            1. Vocabularies of motive (Mills) motive talk
                              1. Techniques of Neutralization (Sykes and Matza) people make justifications for their deviance
                                1. Excuses (Lyman and Scott) deny full responsibility from blame
                                  1. Justifications (Lyman and Scott)
                                    1. Disclaimers (Hewitt and Stokes)
                                    2. Formation of bisexual identity
                                      1. Initial confusion first stage of bisexual identity formation
                                        1. Finding and applying label second stage
                                          1. Settling into identity third stage (become more accepting of self
                                            1. Continued uncertainty fourth stage (negative stigma that bisexuals are confused about their true identity
                                            2. Justifying rape: Five Themes
                                              1. Women are seen as a seductress (Victims of their own seduction
                                                1. No means yes: 58% of people believe their victim wasn't completely unwilling
                                                  1. Relaxed and Enjoyed it: 69% of deniers and 20% of admitters said victims enjoyed it
                                                    1. Nice girls don't get raped: deniers argue victim got what she deserved
                                                      1. Minor wrongdoing: only about 16% of deniers claim complete innocence
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